Shanthi Manian

Economist (Extended Term Consultant)

Africa Gender Innovation Lab

World Bank

Assistant Professor (on leave)

School of Economic Sciences and

Paul G. Allen School for Global Health

Washington State University

I am a development economist with a focus on global health, gender, and development. I have used randomized controlled trials, lab-in-the-field experiments, and natural experiments to study the health decisions of vulnerable women, gender discrimination in developing country labor markets, and cognitive constraints among the poor. I have previous or ongoing experiments in Ethiopia, Kenya, the Philippines, Senegal and Uganda, where I have successful collaborations spanning national government agencies, local universities, and small community-based organizations. My research has been funded by USAID, the International Growth Centre, the Center for Effective Global Action at UC Berkeley, and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development, among other agencies.