A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.


Fall 2024 Courses:

MATH 7700: Graph Theory

MATH 5150/6150: Algebraic Coding Theory 

Courses Taught:       

Auburn University: 

Fall 2023: Introduction to Graph Theory  

Spr 2024: Advanced Topics in Graph Theory

Illinois State University:

Fall 2018: Discrete Mathematics (two sections)

Spr 2019: Discrete Mathematics

Fall 2019: Discrete Mathematics, Graph Theory (Undergrad & Grad)

Spr 2020: Discrete Mathematics, Introduction To Undergraduate Research In Mathematics

Fall 2020: Elementary Linear Algebra, Graph Theory (Undergrad & Grad)

Spr 2021: Elementary Linear Algebra, Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics (Grad)

Fall 2021: Discrete Mathematics (two sections)

Spr 2022: Discrete Mathematics (two sections)

Fall 2022: Elementary Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics

Spr 2023: Discrete Mathematics, Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics (Grad)

Vanderbilt University:

Fall 2015: Accelerated Single Variable Calculus (Teaching Assistant, two sections)

Spr 2016: Methods of Linear Algebra (two sections)

Fall 2016: Single-Variable Calculus I, Graph Theory (Undergrad & Grad)

Spr 2017: Methods of Linear Algebra, Error-correcting Codes and Cryptography

Fall 2017: Error-correcting Codes and Cryptography, Graph Theory (Undergrad & Grad)

Spr 2018: Error-correcting Codes and Cryptography

Georgia State University:

Fall 2012: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling

Fall 2013: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling

Fall 2014: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Course Developer)

Spr 2015: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Course Developer)

East China Normal University:

Fall 2008: Ordinary Differential Equations (Teaching Assistant)

Spr 2009: Advanced Algebra I (Teaching Assistant)