Shangyun Chen (陈尚云)
Curiosity, Courage, Confidence
Hi, my name is Shangyun Chen (陈尚云) and you may call me Bran. I am from Jiangsu Province, China. I was born and lived there until I graduated from undergraduate study. Then I moved to Chongqing to pursue my master's degree where I decided to become a researcher in Organizational Behavior. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University.
"Curiosity, Courage, Confidence" is my research motto.
Research Interest: Just Speak Up!
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference (Wiesel, 1960).
As a silent person from a culture that holds "silence is gold," I am particularly curious about why individuals cannot freely express constructive dissents in the workplace. My research tries to understand this problematic issue and its derivative problem, the prevalence of destructive conformity. Thus, my current projects are centering around how a failure to speak the truth threatens the workplace by highlighting its role in leadership process and creative process. If you share interests with me, let us talk and connect!
CV | Google Scholar | Twitter
Educational Background
2021.08-2026.06 (Expected) Singapore Management University Ph.D. in Business (OBHR)
2018.09-2021.06 Chongqing University M.S. in Business Administration
2017.07-2017.08 University of California, Los Angeles Exchange Student
2014.09-2018.06 Nantong University B.A. in Management
Chen, S., & Zhang, C. (2021) What Happens to a Black Sheep? Exploring How Multilevel LMX Differentiation Shapes the Organizational Altruism Behaviors of Low LMX Minority. Group & Organization Management, 46(6), 1073–1105. (ABS 3)
Chen, S., Bashshsur, M., Schaerer, M. 2024. How Followers Corrupt Their Leaders with Opinion Conformity and Flattery. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Chicago.
Chen, S., Bashshsur, M., Schaerer, M. 2024. The Low Power Corrupts. Presented at the 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chen, S., & Zhang, C. 2020. What Happens to A Black Sheep? The Effects of LMX Relational Separation on Organizational Altruism Behaviors and Relationship Conflicts. Paper Presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research. (Online due to Coronavirus)
Zhang, C., & Chen, S. 2019. CEO Learning Goal Orientation and Firm Innovation: Examining the CEO-TMT Interface. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Boston.
Awards and Scholarships (Selected)
2024 Singapore Management University Presidential Doctoral Fellowship
2023 Best Reviewer of AOM (OB Division)
2021-2025 Singapore Management University PhD Fellowship
2020 Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship
2017 Full Scholarship from Provincial Government for Overseas Studies at UCLA
2017 Provincial Outstanding Student Cadres (in Jiangsu Province, China)
2016-2018 National Encouragement Scholarship
2015 National Scholarship
More about Me
As a dedicated Chihuo (吃货), I like cooking Chinese food and searching for delicious cuisines. I love cooking for my friends! Dear all, Miss you!
I like playing badminton, jogging, riding, and swimming.
I love nature, so I usually go hiking during weekends.
Also, Big fan of Games of Thrones, Lord of the Ring, and Harry Potter.
Contact Information