
From 2018 - 2021 I worked in Science Foundation Ireland, Ireland's largest funder of competitive research, in the area of research and innovation strategy and policy. I have gained some expertise and a retain an interest in positively impacted the research 'system', which in turn will benefit society.

I was responsible for monitoring and reporting SFI’s progress against its then active strategic plan (Agenda 2020), SFI’s performance delivery agreement with the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation and national strategic plans, such as Innovation 2020 and Future Jobs Ireland.

Ireland's national science and innovation strategy

I was part of a team that helped develop SFI’s new organisational strategy to lead the agency for the years 2020-2025.  This involved researching research funding best practice and trends, data analytics and deep stakeholder engagement and management.

I supported the production of accurate, validated data and insights for use by internal and external stakeholders. This includes data for SFI's annual report. The 2018 Annual Report can be seen below.