As I waited on the Lord, meditating on the Daniel 10 passage, a large angel appeared before me, holding open a portal. This angel appeared in silver light, standing 15 feet tall. His arms were holding a portal of light. The angel had his hair in a low bun held by a gold rope, and thick dark eyebrows. With his green eyes, the angel directed my attention to the portal above him as he held it open. 

Suddenly, I heard the sound of screams coming from outside in the void of energy. The ten angels began to circle my room, which created a barrier of light. Demons had now arrived, and their leader, whom they called in a demonic tongue, is too terrible for me to mention. 

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Hordes of demons came, looking like a swarm of flies, but their bodies were snakes with large teeth. Their wings gave a hypnotic sound to weaken the angels who flew around, creating a barrier. There were at least thousands of them pouring into the void of energy. Black slime poured out of the tear the demons made. 

I looked out my bedroom window once more to see that the barrier of light had now become like fire, and the angels were now pillars of burning light themselves. They encouraged one another, saying, Do not let them stop us. Charge your hearts with strength. The enemy is defeated. Suddenly, the angels hurled massive fireballs from their mouths and struck the army of demons like missiles honing in on their targets. The demons tried to protect themselves by foolishly tossing one of their own to take the blow, but its power was too great. The fire of God is too powerful. The angels unsheathed their swords, and together, they called forth a massive ball of fire before them, like the sun in our atmosphere. The sun pulsated with the glory of God! Each push forced the demons to retreat; otherwise, they would burn.

The spider tried to eat the glowing sun summoned by the angels, but it erupted and injured the spider. The spider was too weak to fight, and the void took him away, thus ending the battle. I felt relief as the angels shouted with a victorious cry. The burning shield left as the ten angels departed from the time portal! Eden and I were alone in our room.

With daily challenges facing all of us, the guardian angels in the cards will call out to you with assistance on everyday tasks. Let the angels of balance, belief, clarity, comfort and many others lift you on their shoulders and help ease your troubles away

Another aspect is mental reaction. Your angel suffered a severe trauma, and that tends to leave a mark on one's mind as well as on the body. If the angels' mentality is anything like a human's, he is likely to suffer from stress, depression, anxiety, and lack of faith in his ability to function. And those are just a few of the common reactions. I would actually say that this is the more significant harms. Unless wings are super important to the anatomy of angels, he should heal and become handicapped, but functional. A mental disorder that might arise - that can be much harder to deal with, much harder to heal and have very serious implications.

Edit: I just came across this great source. It is quite extensive yet still comprehensible. Also, it obviously regards humans, not angels, but if your angels have a human-like physiology, that makes the transition quite straightforward.

This would depend entirely on how the connection is designed. You know that biologically an angel is not possible, because he'd need too large a wingspan to be able to lift, even with hollow bones and larger chest and boobs made of solid muscle: for the same reason, you can choose the anatomical setup you prefer. The whole organization of the scapulae might not be that of a hominin like a man: angels and centaurs are, in all evidence, hexapods (unless you let them have hands at the end of the wings, or the wings themselves be modified arms, like the common bat).

I'm working in a novel based on Arabian folklore and a part of the history tells the war between angels and jinn (genies although closer to the original arab folklore than the pop culture Disney version). In the war obviously both sides have to be able to harm each other. For the jinn I have no problem as iron is mentioned in folklore as something that harms them. But I can't think in a way to kill angels (who are also closer to the biblical description than the common pop culture version of winged humanoids). Thanks in advance.

You can't kill an angel with pure force. Each angel is an aspect of God entrusted with a single purpose; even if you could destroy the vessel in which the angel's essence resides, it will immediately respawn until its task is done. This is in contrast with djinn, who, while non-physical, are capable of being killed. A force-based conflict between angels and djinn is a foregone conclusion.

However, angels do have a weakness: they cannot change their natures, because their natures are all that they are. This means that a particular behavior will always yield the same response. By experimenting and testing, it is possible to learn exactly how to exploit an angel's root program and trap it, corrupt it, even take control of it.

The front-line djinn are mainly aiming to slow the angels down, and to report their findings back to the real force of the djinn army - the name-hackers. Their role is to analyze the angels until they have learned how to hack them permanently.

Of course, new angels can always be fielded - but every new divine task created alters the nature of reality itself. If the djinn figure out how to force God's hand into creating a universe in which the djinn are permitted to exist and operate on Earth, they have won the war.

If you are familiar with the Ainur, who include the Valar and the Maiar (and maybe other groups), in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, they are based on the angels in Christian theology. So in Christian theology angels have similar powers and limitations as the Ainur.

I believe that bodies made by angels and devils are not living any more than rocks or clouds or robots are. This may mean that even the physical bodies of angels and devils aren't alive and cannot die, let alone their immortal spirits.

But possibly an angel's physical body can be destroyed by a disintegrater ray or an atomic explosion or a blast of powerful magic. And possibly it might take an angel some specific period of time to make a new physical body. So possibly if an army of the physical bodies of angels is destroyed fast enough, there might be a period of time after all the bodies are destroyed and before the angels can activate new bodies. And posssibly the seconds or eons that period might last would be long enough for enemies of the angels to accomplish some or all of their goals.

I note that most angels are believed to be loyal to and obedient to the Christian God. So presumably they wouldn't fight agaisnt Jinns unless God Almighty commanded them to. And if the angels have God Almighty on their side, they should defeat even the most powerfull Jinns easily.

I note that devils are supposed to be fallen angels who revolted against God and follow The Devil. So if the angels in your story are devils, they could get in a conflict with Jinns which has no authorization and support from God Almighty, though the fallen angels might have some support from the less powerful Devil. Thus it would be uncertain who would win such a war.

You have the OT (Old Testament), where most of the imagery and details come from, you have the NT (New Testament) which hardly has anything (and tends towards more anthropomorphization), plus maybe a few non-canonical texts (the books that, while thought true by the early founders of the Christian Church, were also thought to not be divinely inspired). The Koran says little more to describe angels, and though I'm no scholar I'm assuming that the hadiths say little or nothing.

Angels are often depicted with flaming swords in the Bible, so maybe the jinn could get hold of something similar and turn the angels' own weapon against them, which could also serve to heighten animosity between the two groups.

If an angel loses his faith, I guess he falls and becomes a jinn. Getting the snot beaten out of them in combat and/or imprisoned may do just that.If the Lake of Fire is available, I imagine a stint chained up in it will be pretty challenging to one's faith. Of course, any that do keep their faith through their trials will be strengthened.If you're Christian, this will be a good way to keep your work orthodox. Even if not, it'd be interesting to have demons work by psychological and emotional warfare, while the angels use bravery and teamwork.

Milton depicted such a war in Paradise Lost. On Day 1, the angels triumph with swords, after an initial setback. On day 2, the fallen angels construct giant guns, which are devastating to the angels, who only have swords (until they rip up mountains). Milton basically has the fallen angels use invention, coupled with cruelty, to contrast with the angels, who, like God, are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

God has made angels in such a way that they retain the essence thatGod originally intended for them, Saint Thomas Aquinas declares in"Summa Theologica:" "The angels are incorruptible substances. Thismeans that they cannot die, decay, break up, or be substantiallychanged. For the root of corruptibility in a substance is matter, andin the angels there is no matter."

Also since angels have to preserve their material, you can use any shape of a weapon made from their material's anti material. Basically a shape/material shifting sword which takes the anti-material of the angel its fighting against it.

Now, if you seek for a special weapon for humans to kill Angels, it should have the attribute of being barely better or less effective than the natural weapons of a jinn (why bother with using i.e. some magical sword if you can shoot lightning?), but being the most superior weapon for a human against an angel. This would explain why jinns don't bother with it, and angels just don't want it to be in the hand of humans. 589ccfa754

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