
Working Papers:

"Impact of Twin Lockdowns on Hunger, Labor Market Outcomes, and Household Coping Mechanisms: Evidence from Uganda" with Claus Portner and Ishraq Ahmed (submitted)

"Impact of an Asset Transfer Program on Women's Health: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Bangladesh" with Atiya Rahman 

Peer Reviewed Publications:


11) "Navigating Food Price Shocks in a Pandemic: Food Insecurity and Coping Mechanisms in Burkina Faso" with Shi Xi Liu and Claus Portner (Accepted at World Development)

10) Stepping into Adulthood during a Recession: Did Job Losses during the Great Recession Impact Health of Young Adults? Health Economics, 31(8), 1730-1751, 2022. (with Bijetri Bose) 

9) Did the Great Recession Affect Fertility? Examining the Impact of Job Displacements on the Timing of Births in the U.S., Southern Economic Journal, 86(3), 873-909, 2020. (with Bijetri Bose)

8) Income Shocks, Contraceptive Use and Timing of Fertility, Journal of Development Economics, 131, 96-103, 2018. (with Claus Portner) 

7) Parental Health Shocks, Child Labor and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Tanzania, Journal of Health Economics, 44, 161-175, 2015.

6) Do Pesticide Sellers Make Farmers Sick? Health, Information and Adoption of Technology in Bangladesh, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 41(1), 62-80, 2016. (with Hendrik Wolff) 

5) Asset Onwership and Microloan Repayment: Examining Data from Bangladesh, Development Policy Review, 31 (1) 3434-368, 2013 (with Roger White) 

Public Health:

4) Impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown on healthcare inaccessibility and unaffordability in Uganda, accepted at The American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. (with Bijetri Bose and Claus Portner).

3) The Great Recession and Physical Activity of Young Adults, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 17(2), 290-298, 2023 . (with Bijetri Bose)

Book Chapters:

2) Economic Shocks and Children's Education. In K. F. Zimmermann (Ed.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (pp. 1–19), 2022. Springer International Publishing. (with Claus Portner and Claire Simpson)

1) The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy in Jordan, (with Gabriela Inchauste and Umar Serajuddin). In Gabriela Inchauste and Nora Lustig, editors. The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Washington D.C.: World Bank. 2017 

Policy Papers:

Agricultural Adaptations to Climate Change in Bangladesh Crop Yield Reductions and Sustainable Development Implications, Washington, DC, International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021. (with Heather Bedi and Mehrab Bakhtiar)

Malnutrition Gap as a New Measure of Child Malnutrition: A Global Application, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 8664, 2018. (with Juan Feng and Patrick Eozenou) 

Work in Progress:

“The Effects of Expanding Female Economic Opportunities on Fertility: Causal Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Bangladesh” with Claus Portner 

“Do the Poor Change Financial Behavior in Anticipation of a Shock? Evidence using 172 Million Loan Observations from Bangladesh” 

“Do Farmers Change Agricultural Strategy Following Shocks? Effect of Shocks on Crop Diversity and Price Information Seeking Behavior of Farmers” 

“Do Economic Shocks Affect Women’s Bargaining Power and Violence Against Women: Evidence from Bangladesh” with Claus Portner