How To Remove Tanning At Home?

Tanning is a natural way of the body to prevent sun damage. It is nothing but when skin releases extra melanin due to prolonged and continuous exposure to the sun. While it is an excellent natural defense, tan often makes the skin tone look uneven, and at times the difference is too much evidence.

While earlier, you just had to live with the tan for your entire life, the beauty industry has made some excellent advancements in the past few years. Not only are there medical treatments available like laser treatment to remove tan, but we also have access to large varieties of the best skin whitening soap for dark skin.

Remove Tan at Home

There are various methods you can try to remove tan at home.


This is one of the very practical techniques to reduce tan. Gently exfoliating skin can rid pigmented cells, in turn reducing tan. This isn't a one time process and should be done periodically for best results.

A soft washcloth and chemical exfoliator will be a good choice for people with dry or sensitive skin. On the other hand, people with oily skin can use slightly stronger chemicals.

It is essential to understand that irrespective of any skin type, be gentle with the process. Being too harsh with the skin can result in acne breakouts and skin damage.

Make sure to apply moisturizer after exfoliating as it keeps the skin hydrated and protected.

Skin whitening soap

If you feel exfoliation is not the right move for you, then there is a more straightforward way. Skin whitening soap is available in India both online and offline. You won't get the result right away but repeated, and proper use will surely give results.

While there are hundreds of skin whitening soap that claim to work, you need to be careful with what product to choose not to get duped. Look out for products containing the following ingredients:

  • Retinoids

  • 2% hydroquinone

  • Vitamin C

  • Azelaic acid

  • Glycolic acid

  • Kojic acid

Be sure to look for these ingredients and do not fall for false claims and promises by untrustworthy brands.

Tan Removal Creams

While this is a good option, be careful about the product you purchase. Most tan removal creams lighten the upper layers of the skin. While it might look like the product has worked, the problem of melanin production still exists. Soon the tan will be back.

A good face tan removal cream or serum penetrates deep into the skin and reduces melanin production by inhibiting the enzymatic activities.

Face Pack

You can find specific face packs that help with the de-tan process. These face packs remove the tanned skin cells post-exposure to UV rays. They work towards making the skin more even-toned.

You have the option of either choosing natural ingredients like papaya, lemon or chemical ingredients like lactic acid, niacinamide.

If you are skeptical about using any product on your face and body, worry not; various home remedies are recommended for de-tanning. While there is no scientific proof of their effectiveness but for some, it works.

There are various natural products for skin in India that might give fruitful results. While the process of de-tan can be tediously long, the results are fruitful.