Kalki Agro Foods is a manufacturer of Natural Bee Pollen of India. We keeping honeybee hives since 2002 and our beekeepers group name is SHAHADWALE. We sales our natural bee products under the brand name SHAHADWALE. We sales 100% pure and natur bee pollen in wholsale and retail market. Our bee hives natural bee pollen we sales in marcket with brand name SHAHADWALE.

100% natural pure bee pollen , our pollen is organic , no color added , no flavor added , all pollen comes from flowers locally from alabama , we offer raw bee pollen , we never add anything to our bee pollen ,

Mustard Bee Pollen , Coconut Bee Pollen, Multi Flora Bee Pollen

Bee pollen

How Bee Pollen Enhances Your Health And Promotes Well-Being - The Healthy Voyager is flowers pollen that’s collected by worker Honeybees , they mixed with nectar and their saliva and then store into the cells of honey combs in their hive. Beekeepers extract the pollen by pollen trap. One bee hive store only 50gm pollen in a day but not regularly extracted by beekeepers .

Crops of Pollen mostly extracted like as mustard, coconut tree, Ajwain , Coriander, Maize, Millet, Sesame, etc.


Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Bee Pollen: Current Status and Therapeutic Potential | HTML

Protein- 22.7%

Amino acid-10.4%

Lipids- 5.1%


Vitamins- 0.6%

Polyphenols- 1.6%

Carotenoids- less than 1%


Pollen is good for health:-

Bee Pollen Composition

Pollen is a health food supplement of our body and rich in Vitamins and minerals. It is a natural bee Products and many uses is like as ;

• Boost immunity

• Reduce Toxicity

• Soothes skin

• For Weight Loss

• Kills bacteria

• Lessen Allergies

• Anti-inflammatory

• Boost energy and metabolism

• Helping curing stomach and blood cancer

• Use in protien powder for body bulders

Bad effects of Pollen:

• Allergies: A person with an allergy to bees or bee stings should also avoid Pollen Products.

Pollen & Honey combination is a complete food for honey bees and its nutrition health benefits much more for human being

Mustard Pollen have yellow natural color. Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers. They bring pollen wrapped on the hind legs, which they mix with honey and feed to their new babies. When the bees start storing more pollen in the hive, then we put a trap on the gate of the bee box which has holes of 5 mm, through which the bees can go into the box but the pollen is released outside which is in a secure basket Keeps collecting, which we dry in the dryer and sell.

Benefits of Raw Bee Pollen