More about S&G

Shadow and Gold is a conversation.

Good Communication = Good Relations

Shadow and Gold evolved from a deep need for open and honest communication. Speaking honestly about ourselves, in a safe space, with others who are truly listening - this the magic of Shadow and Gold.

Effective personal work has two sides. On one hand we must dig deep to expose our inner mysteries. That’s our Shadow. On the other hand, we must acknowledge and celebrate what is working in our lives. That’s our Gold.

In Shadow and Gold we take turns checking in. A check in is a three minute reflection on our current state of being. Pieces are drawn at random that guide us towards self discovery. In Shadow and Gold we will gain insight, but more importantly we will be heard by those who most need to hear us. It's simple and it works.

Shadow and Gold is for:




Men's/Women's Groups

Book Clubs

Individual Artists, Writers, Musicians


Therapeutic Practices