About Shado Design

With more than a decade of experience, Shado Design solves complex business challenges, bringing intuitive designs to a global audience

We work with you to discover effective ways to move your business forward.

We approach challenges in distinct ways. We articulate and express ideas visually that lead to strong designs. We apply design thinking, rigorous engineering, and technical know-how to all our projects, creating strong, natural, imaginative designs.

We have strong opinions and viewpoints, but it’s only a starting point--a way to begin the conversation. We want your input so that we have a complete picture of the challenge at hand. The more input we have, the more we’ll know about the problem. Diverse input brings a richer experience and a more effective outcome for your business and your customers.

We believe in

Empathy and advocating for the user

Design integrity: reliability, availability, maintainability

Quality, style, and expertise

Clear communication

Leaving a lasting impression

How we'll work with you

Our main objective is to discover the user and business goals. We find those by talking with your teams, your target users, and by applying design best practices. We work towards those goals, trying to resolve common pain points, by building a foundation for the strategy and planning the design road map. We talk through options, iterate quickly, and deliver prototypes, to arrive at a solution ready to bring to the market.

For the time that we work together, we are a team with a common goal and objective. We’ll share with you our plan every step of the way. If you have questions, we have answers. Let’s do this.

See what we’ve accomplished

How can we help solve your problem?