Research Assistants

  • Jingyi Chen (2021-2023)

Research Title: Smart order dispatching for on-demand meal delivery service via reinforcement learning

  • Stavros Xanthopoulos (2021-2022)

Research Title: Optimization of the Location and Capacity of Shared Multimodal Mobility Hubs to Maximize Social Welfare

  • Mette Wagenvoort (2019-2020)

Research Title: A choice-driven framework for an integrated demand responsive mobility system

Current Position: PhD student at Erasmus University Rotterdam (2020-2024) supervisor: Professor Dennis Huisman

  • Patrick Stokkink (2018-2019)

Research Title: Learning strategic behaviour from transaction data for better price recommendations

Current position: PhD student at EPFL (2019-2023) supervisor: Professor Nikolas Geroliminis