Hi Ive been using shader 3 for some time and its nice but lately I experience lots of strange things around this field . Like if I try to install deferent ENB the sim wont start . If I uninstall shader 3 the fsx screen is all black there is just nothing . If I install shader 3 back again the free flight screen in fsx it is all like normall but when trying to use fswc I get error about shader HLSL_original Terrain\water20fxh . So i am a bit lost . I read somewhere to delete HLSL that fsx will rebuild new one ,but it didn't so I copied whole folder from Acronis back up as I have found that folder in FSX shaders_original was empty . However I am still getting the same error . Could anyone please perhaps post this file Water20.fxh". so I would like to try if file is not corrupted . Also if anybody would now why black screen after uninstall shader ? Lastly a week ago I did try to rebuild new FSX cfg but cocpit look like I am running resolution less then 16 bit I had to use my back up cfg . Plaese if anybody Cheers Petr

Hi Ive been using shader 3 for some time and its nice but lately I experience lots of strange things around this field . Like if I try to install deferent ENB the sim wont start . If I uninstall shader 3 the fsx screen is all black there is just nothing . If I install shader 3 back again the free flight screen in fsx it is all like normall but when trying to use fswc I get error about shader HLSL_original Terrain\water20fxh . So i am a bit lost . I read somewhere to delete HLSL that fsx will rebuild new one ,but it didn't so I copied whole folder from Acronis back up as I have found that folder in FSX shaders_original was empty . However I am still getting the same error . Could anyone please perhaps post this file Water20.fxh".so I would like to try if file is not corrupted . Also if anybody would now why black screen after uninstall shader ? Lastly a week ago I did try to rebuild new FSX cfg but cocpit look like I am running resolution less then 16 bit I had to use my back up cfg . Plaese if anybody Cheers Petr

Shader Model 2.0 Free Download For Sims 3

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Hi thanks very much it working . All water texture using ase 2012 looks much better . I did small experiment after fixing the shader . I have drop into fsx folder enb downloaded from Rex site but fsx when loading generate error . Not a big deal deleted this 3 files and it was back to normal. Would like to know why some People getting same error and some not . Anyway thanks so much . Cheers petr

ReShade features its very own shading language and compiler, called ReShade FX. The syntax is based on HLSL, adding useful features designed for developing post-processing effects: Define and use textures right from the shader code, render to them, change renderstates, retrieve color and depth data, request custom values like timers or key states, ...

And that's not it. Write your shaders just once, they'll work everywhere, regardless of your target being Direct3D, OpenGL or Vulkan: ReShade takes care of compiling them to the right shader model and language (HLSL, GLSL or SPIR-V).

Use preset files (*.ini) that can be created from ReShade's in-game user interface to share your configurations.

Do NOT share the binaries or shader files. Link users to this website instead.

In the above image, the light is coming from above and everything hit by the light is turning black. I was really looking forward to using the hair shader model, so I really want to know what I am doing wrong. For reference, here is the material I made (for testing sake).

@edpmay I have some practices for modeling Trees in Radiation Analysis. Method 1 is using Ladybug Radiation Analysis. Method 2 is using cumulative sky and Radiance Daylighting Analysis.

Here is the link:Modeling Tree In Radiation Analysis Using Two Methods

For the purpose of this tutorial, I recommend downloading my Jellybean preset so that you can follow along with the settings once we go in game. This preset uses the MultiLUT shader so follow the directions below for help installing it.

In the end that was not the problem. However, I really appreciate your help. Beforehand, the problem was that for some reason, the model in blender had a vertex color activated and that is why the model was very dark, I clarify it so that any developer who has this same problem can see this.

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-14 at 5.23.31 PM1280707 111 KB

Anyway, thanks for the help mate.

(By the way, the scenery is a sculpture that exists in real life and is located in the middle of the Atacama desert in my country Chile. You can find it for free at flightsim.to)


Captura.PNG1397703 81.9 KB

This error can be caused by using a graphics device that does not support shader model 3.0 or higher, such as old Intel integrated graphics. If you have a laptop with a Geforce GPU, it may switch to Intel to save power.

But before we jump to conclusions, it is best, as Gorath said, that you tell us your hardware specifications.

Hi, so I try modeling the pieces for tabletop sim. The board game is called quadular and there is not a bord existed in the workshop. So why not try make it my own. Well I use 3ds max to model the pieces low poly. I even applied smoothing groups. But after exporting to .obj, all the polygons are smooth instead of hard.

Well the simple solution is to add proximity loops to make the edges hard. But, this became a problem when i tried creating the low poly models for tabletop sim. Even after import the obj to blender, make it hard shading and export to obj again, the result is not good.

I just opened up h16 - clicked the shelf tool, put in some lights and hit render and I get no foam either. I would suggest baking out the displacement map (if you haven't already) within the ocean preview node, and baking out the ocean foam cache (far right of the ocean network Houdini creates if using off the shelf tools) - which is what it uses within the shader to generate the foam - then I think it all should work

Save spectra I believe saves out the actual geometry of the grid deformed including the deformations in some manner - which is then read into the ocean shader to displace the flat grid - I think this is just two methods for oceans (one with displacement maps directly and one for using geo to displace at render time) - dependant on if you plan on taking the displacement maps elsewhere perhaps? (I could be wrong this is just from what I can see from the shelf tool setup)

The color of an object is determined using a Blinn-Phong shading model.There are four components that control the color: ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive.The OpenGL Programming guide chapter on Lighting has detailed information about how these work.

Specifying the color of an object means configuring both lights and the object's material.At the end of this section you'll know where color parameters for lights and models are, and how they can be tweaked.

The model is referencing an image without any path information.It expects the png file to be in the same folder as head.dae, but we want to store the texture in another folder.Change the path in head.dae to reference the texture location relative to head.dae.

In projects 3-1 and 3-2, we were doing all of our raytracing computation on CPU. You've likely felt the effects of this already, waiting minutes to render a single frame with any realistic lighting, even with threading. For real-time and interactive applications, which often have framerates of 60 fps (that's 60 frames per second), this is just impossibly slow. In this part, you will get a glimpse of how things may be accelerated by writing a few basic GLSL shader programs. Shaders are isolated programs that run in parallel on GPU, executing sections of the graphics pipeline, taking in an input, and outputing a single 4 dimensional vector. Recall the brief overview of shader programs given in lecture.

First let's get acquainted with GLSL, a C like language in which we will write our shaders. This is a great highlevel overview of the basic constructs of the language. Take a minute to look through the definitions. TLDR:

NB: Because we didn't want to make a high-end GPU part of CS 184's required hardware, our shaders only use up to OpenGL 3.3 features. Shaders post OpenGL 3.3 have some much nicer features and syntax, but operate on entirely the same principles. If you're interseted, learnopengl.com is an excellent guide for modern openGL programming.

The skeleton will scan the shaders directory for .frag shaders, and link it to the corresponding .vert, defaulting to Default.vert if none exists. (Shader-based final projects might want to take advantage of this behavior!)

When writing your shaders, be sure to pay extra attention to the types you are using. GLSL 1.0 will not automatically promote ints to floats or demote floats to ints. Function calls must match their declared types exactly as well, so something like max(2, 3.0) will cause the shader to fail compilation. In addition, the built ins gl_Position and gl_FragColor are both of type vec4, the first expecting homogenous coordinates and the second expecting an rgba vector. Many of our calculations will be done using vec3's, so don't forget to convert back to a vec4 (an easy way is simply use vec4(my_vec_3, w_coordinate)). 0852c4b9a8

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