Getting Started

Helpful Tools

Pre-Event Tips

Arrive with plenty of time to set up all product/props and discuss who is attending with your Host. 

As guests arrive, use these questions to get to know them:

Compliments go far, so compliment them on something you noticed.

Before beginning, ask the Host if they're expecting anyone else. 

Tip: Having casual conversations helps guests get to know you before the event even begins! Building connections is important for guests to get to know you and Norwex.

Starting the Event

Get Started/Welcome 

Thank the guests for being here and give a special thanks to your Host for bringing the group together. Introduce yourself and share what Norwex has done for you (in your home and life). 🌱


Pass a Norwex product around and have everyone introduce themselves. Encourage them to share:

Tip: Share what you would do with an extra $500 to break the ice!

Why Norwex?
What’s your biggest cleaning challenge? (Let guests respond)

Before Norwex, I struggled to (share what you struggled to keep clean), and with Norwex cleaning (surface) is a breeze! 

Mechanical vs. Chemical Cleaning
To best understand how Norwex works, let’s break it down!  

What is currently your favorite cleaning product? (Let guests respond)

🌱 I’m excited to share MY must-have products with you! In fact, you can earn everything I share today just by partnering with me to share Norwex with your friends and family. 

Demo Time!


The products I'll be sharing today are in our Safe Haven 5 Set, and I'll include a few of my other favorites. These products are some of our best sellers! Together, the 5 items included (plus water) reduce over 80 chemicals in your home . . . pretty amazing right?!  

If you’re new to Norwex — this is the perfect place to start. 

🌱As I demo the products, think about your busy friends who don't have tons of time to clean . . . think about anyone you know who is pregnant or has young children that should avoid toxic chemicals . . .  even someone you might know who is on a low/non-toxic journey. . . . 


Nicknamed the “everything” cloth. Densely woven, superfine Norwex Microfiber physically removes up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water when following proper care and use instructions. A perfect replacement for toxic chemical cleaners and wasteful paper towels.

Three things set Norwex Microfiber apart:


Window Cloth
Do you struggle with streaky windows and mirrors? (Let guests respond)


Give your windows, stainless-steel appliances and mirrors a streak-free shinewith only water! Pair with its BFF, the EnviroCloth, to get a chemical-free clean throughout your home. I was truly shocked by how well this cloth works. 


Demo example:

Dusting Mitt
Does anyone else dislike dusting as much as I do? Tell me what you hate dusting in your home. . . .  (Let guests respond)


I always felt like dust collected (insert your spot) in my house right after I finished dusting! Ugh!! Dust can contain up to 45 chemicals that may stir up allergies and asthma. 

Our Dusting Mitt has a powerful static charge that captures dust like a magnet, so your home stays dust-free longer! 

It can be used wet or dry and is ideal for quick, eco-friendly dusting throughout the house, including blinds, screens and other hard-to-clean areas.  


Demo example:

Power Cleaning Paste

Power Cleaning PasteAKA "elbow grease in a jar" is perfect for those more stubborn jobs. 


One jar, hundreds of uses to tackle tough grime! I found this best to work on (insert your spot) in my home. I was shocked at the power this little paste packs! 


Ultra Power Plus™ (UPP) Laundry Detergent

What's important to you when it comes to laundry detergent? Price, ingredients, effectiveness?? (Let guests respond)

I always found myself wondering what brand of detergent to buy. Does anyone else ever struggle with this? (Let guests respond)


When you know better, you do better. A Norwex laundry detergent is safe and effective and lasts (insert how long) in our house. 

When purchasing the Safe Haven 5 Set, there are 3 options for laundry detergent that are all safe and effective: liquid, powder or strips! 🌱 UPP is the option that comes in a Consultant Starter Kit. 



Booking Seed

🌱 If you're anything like me, you want everything I've been talking about, so I really want you to think about doing a workshop. On average my Hosts receive (insert what your Hosts typically receive) in free products.

Who do you know who needs to get the chemicals out and safer alternatives into their home? As I'm walking through the last couple of items I want you to think about who you know that can benefit from hearing about these products!

Superior Mop System

How would you rate the current state of your floors? . . . (Let guests respond)


Up to 85% of contaminants are brought indoors in the first four steps (when wearing shoes inside)! The floors of your home can harbor pollutants, chemicals, dust and bacteria. 

Demo the Mop System and Rubber Brush and share: Clean your floors with this easy system and just waterno harmful chemicals where kids and pets play.


Rubber Brush

Flexible bristles for hard-to-reach places.  Versatile – great for cleaning Mop Pads, Dusting Mitts, upholstered furniture and more! Rinse after each use. 

There are three ways to get our fabulous mop:

- Purchase it tonight. It's worth every penny.

- 🌱Decide to host like (Host name) and get it for free or at a significant discount. 

- 🌱 Get it for free in your Starter Kit by becoming a Consultant today.


Demo example:

Face and Body Pack

Who has a skin care routine? How are you currently washing your face? . . . (Let guests respond)

The Face and Body Cloth gently cleanses skin with just water and removes excess oils. Three super-soft Norwex Microfiber cloths. BacLock* helps keep the cloth fresher longer.

*BacLock is an antimicrobial agent solely intended to protect and self-clean the cloth by inhibiting growth of odor-causing bacteria, mold and mildew. 




Wrap Up

🌱 Before I wrap up the workshop, if there was anything I said that piqued your interest on the business side of Norwex today, I'd love to have a 10-minute conversation with you. Let me know at checkout!

🌱As I was sharing, did anyone immediately pop into your head who would like to: 

If so, let's chat about sharing Norwex with your friends and family! Norwex Hosts have the opportunity to earn discounts (toward free product), 50% off items and free shipping. 

Thanks for attending (insert Host name)’s event! I hope you had fun and learned a lot. I'm here for questions, so don't hesitate to ask!

If you're ready to order, I added all items we discussed to a cart and can send this directly to you for easy checkout. (Ask guests for phone numbers to send link to Share a Cart).


Check Out

Make your checkout personal based on the problems each guest shared and the solutions you can offer. Don't omit anyone; extend an invitation to join or Host to all. 

Review their order and ask: What was your favorite part of the event? I sent you a cart for easy checkout; is there anything you'd like to add to it? 

🌱 As I was sharing, did you think about anyone who would love to learn about these products? 

🌱 What do you think about doing what (Host name) did tonight? Hosting with Norwex can help you save money and time while reducing toxins in your home. . . .

I also do online events (details)! I'd love to help educate your circle of friends on a safer way to clean.

🌱 Did I pique your interest at all on the business side of Norwex? . . . what questions do you have?


Thanks and Last Chance

Last reminder that (insert Host name)’s ordering link is closing (insert time).  

🌱Are you interested in how Norwex can fit into your life? (Consultant, book your own event to introduce Norwex to your friends and family or maybe order a product that will solve your biggest cleaning challenge) Today is the last day to ensure that (insert Host name) gets credit. 

I’d love to help if I can in any way! Please send me a text if so. (Insert phone number if by email/FB)

Ready to order? (Insert ordering link or share a cart)

Last but not least, you're invited to join my VIP Facebook Group! I share tips and tricks for how to use the product beyond just one use, and lots of other life hacks and tips (insert group link). Hope to see you there!

Thank you again for being part of this event. I had fun! 

(Insert Consultant name)
