
"Capital Flows in an Aging World," with Zsofia Barany and Nicolas Coeurdacier, Journal of International Economics, 2023, 140, 103707

"Agency, Firm Growth, and Managerial Turnover," with Ron Anderson, M. Cecilia Bustamante, and Mihail Zervos, Journal of Finance, 2018, 73 (1), 419-464. 

"Credit Constraints and Growth in a Global Economy," with Nicolas Coeurdacier and Keyu Jin, American Economic Review, 2015, 105 (9), 2838-2881.  [working paper version]

"Fertility and Social Security Reforms in China," with Nicolas Coeurdacier and Keyu Jin, IMF Economic Review, 2014, 62 (3), 371-408.

"A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Imperfectly Integrated Financial Markets," with Harjoat Bhamra and Nicolas Coeurdacier, Journal of Economic Theory, 2014, 154, 490-542.

"Bond Market Clienteles, the Yield Curve, and the Optimal Maturity Structure of Government Debt," with Yves Nosbusch and Dimitri Vayanos, Review of Financial Studies, 2013, 26 (8), 1914-1961.

"International Portfolio Diversification is Better Than You Think," with Nicolas Coeurdacier, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2011, 30 (2), 289-308.

In progress

"The Aggregation Dilemma: How Best to Restructure Sovereign Bonds", with Carlo Galli. [slides]

"War-Contingent Debt Instruments: Optionality Features in British Governement Bonds, 1797-1805", with Pamfili Antipa. [draft]

"Self-Enforceable Risksharing Arrangements: A Continuous-Time Version," with Mihail Zervos.