About the Artist


Creative outlet can take on many shapes and paths – for me, it traveled through academic research in art history to cooking to baking to pottery making.  I learned that I love to make things that my family can enjoy, whether through flavor, visual, or tactile sensation. 


There is unlimited direction and exploration through clay. The full physical and creative intensity of working with clay has captured me entirely. I get lost in the process, letting the clay lead me to grow my skill and concepts. Clay also humbles me to accept unpredictability and variation of outcomes.  A useful skill in pottery, as in life...


I work primarily on the wheel, making forms based in a tradition of function and use. The clean lines of mid-century art inspires me to perfect my work, while creating tension in the surprises that occur in the kiln. I enjoy finding balance in the form as it relates to function. 

Details about my art journey:

Glassell Studio School MFAH, Houston, TX,  2014-current

The Art School at Old Church, Demarest, NJ,  2007-2013

BA Art History, Kenyon College, 1990
