#SGSTEM Talk & Trivia

#SGStem Talk & Trivia is an online platform to engage with the biodiversity / STEM community and play a trivia game to raise funds for local environmental / animal non-profit groups. Initially born out of the Circuit Breaker, we hope it will help science communication, increase recognition for local STEM researchers, practitioners and educators, and allow people to build contacts along the way.

All are welcomed.

Hosts: Kannan Raja (Bangor University) & Marcus Chua (NUS/George Mason University)

Contact: sgstem.talktrivia [at] gmail [dot] com

Get e-mail notifications: https://tinyurl.com/system-emaillist

Upcoming event

Date/time: TBA

Register: TBA

Watch this space for our next speaker annoucement!

Last event

20 May 2021 Thursday

Speaker: Ms Melissa Low (NUS)
Trivia winner: Clair and Tze Kwan, and shy first timer whos confused (tie)
Trivia pot: $30
Beneficiary: ACRES

Video: https://youtu.be/qXELplCVLME