About Hanger - Paintings

➔Hanger - Paintings

Hanger sculpture

In the early 90's after a year in a vibrant studio in Spain working towards my MA, I found myself back in an empty studio in an old shoe factory in Northampton. The transition was daunting. Leaving behind the dynamic energy of Barcelona, I felt a wave of apprehension about diving into new work and knew I had to start quickly. As luck would have it, the only item in the studio was a coat hanger. I began sketching it and eventually transformed it into an oversized model/sculpture.


This unexpected beginning sparked a journey of exploring new creative methods. I experimented with various painting techniques, embracing a fresh approach. I not only recharged my creativity but also unearthed innovative ways of working. The concepts and techniques that emerged while painting the Hanger pieces became part of my core studio practice.


When I thought about it, it amused me to think of hanging the inspiration for paintings on a literal 'Hanger'.

Linda Sgoluppi Art