Linda Sgoluppi next to 'Rupture' painting in the studio 2022.

In the studio  - 2022

Artist Linda Sgoluppi working a piece of acrylic paint-skin onto a painting in the studio 2022.

In the studio - 2021

Artist Linda Sgoluppi in her studio 2023

In the studio - 2020

Artist Linda Sgoluppi at her Gridworks exhibition, Northampton Museum 1991

Gridworks Exhibition 1992

Linda Sgoluppi artist circa 1991 with a barbed wire frame.

At Lorne Road Studio - 1992

Circa 1991 Artist linda sgoluppi wearing a black stripe on white shirt in front of the black stripes on white large painting.

In front of Stripes.  1991


I'm an artist based in South Northamptonshire, England. I paint, draw, and occasionally make art installations.

Here, you'll find an overview of my work, including pieces from a period years ago when I transitioned from being a creative textile artist to a fine artist. Additionally, I had the opportunity to study art at the university level, which I eagerly embraced. This journey culminated in spending a year in Barcelona, gaining an MA with Winchester School of Art.

Before Barcelona I recall how thrilled I was to gain artistic recognition with a substantial financial award from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, an award which helped set up my first independent studio.

Each art piece I make possesses its own voice, capable of resonating without additional commentary. Nevertheless for those who want to know more, I've realized the value of offering insights into an artist's mindset, which can enrich the understanding and appreciation of a work.

On the website, images are primarily presented without adornment, allowing viewers to focus solely on the artwork. However, for those desiring deeper context, supplementary information is readily accessible with a simple click. I trust this arrangement proves beneficial. If you have any questions about a particular piece, I am more than willing to offer insights, as far as I can. 

Linda Sgoluppi Drawing in Porthleven, Cornwall - 1990

Drawing in Porthleven - Cornwall  1991


My work reflects the varied experiences that shape my life: reimagined memories, material explorations, abstract interpretations of nature, and occasional narratives or stories. I also draw inspiration from my connections to Wales and Italy. While abstraction is my primary focus, I also enjoy incorporating representational elements, often blending the two to create thematic connections.

My process involves a balance of planning and spontaneity. Some projects require careful consideration and detailed planning, others evolve by being guided by the simple question I ask myself, ‘what if?’ The question fosters a dialogue between me and the materials, the result is each piece embodies the exchange of ideas and inspirations that drive my artistic practice.

Drawing and painting serve as the core of my creative expression.  I don’t plan too much when I paint, thereby allowing the seed of inspiration and question of possibility to have free reign, the artwork gains a voice and the process becomes a dialogue.

The paint, strokes, and colour itself, proffer their own direction and finished work is the manifestation of this ongoing exchange.

Resting in Brick Lane - London - 1989

Linda Sgoluppi Art