

I am a postdoc at Zuse Institute Berlin working in Prof. Sebastian Pokutta's group . Prior to this I was a postdoc at EPFL under Prof. Ola Svensson. Before that, I was fortunate to graduate from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), generously supported by the SUTD President's Graduate PhD Fellowship (PGF) and during this time I had the excellent guidance of Georgios Piliouras (SUTD) and Ioannis Panageas (UC Irvine)!

Research Interests

I am interested in studying fundamental questions in machine learning problems which are motivated by realistic constraints in applications: learning and providing robust solutions under uncertainty, learning in the presence of agents (algorithms) that adapt and compete for resources. Technically, most of these problems involve the study of algorithms for constrained optimization, learning (dynamics) in games and use of predictions/data-driven approaches in discrete optimization problems. 

I was a PC member of AAMAS 2023 and in general I serve as a reviewer for ICML,NEURIPS, AISTATS, ICLR, TMLR. In addition, I have reviewed papers for Algorithmica, EC, WINE, SAGT. 

Here is my CV .

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