· Assistant Professor, Data Computational Science in Division of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Korea University (Mar 2021 ~ )

· Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Statistics, Korea University (Mar 2023 ~ )

· Visiting Scholar, Biomedical Mathematics Group in Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Institute for Basic Science (IBS) (Aug 2021 ~ )

· Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Gyeongsang National University (Sep 2019 ~ Feb 2021)

· Post-doctorial Researcher, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS) (Sep 2016 ~ Aug 2019)

· Technical Research Personnel in The Institute of Basic Science, Korea University (Mar 2014 ~ Sep 2016)

· Ph.D. in Department of Mathematics, Korea University (Mar 2011 ~ Feb 2016)

Thesis : Moving overset grid method to model dendritic growth with convection (advisor : Junseok Kim)

· B.S. in Department of Mathematical Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Feb 2007 ~ Feb 2011)

· Gyeonggibuk Science High School (Mar 2005 ~ Feb 2007)


· Best Poster Award, 2024 KMS Spring Meeting (corresponding author)

· Excellent Lecture Award, Korea University (Fall 2021)

· 2017 KSIAM Young Researcher Award


· Global Leading Technology Program, Mobility ICT Division (No. 2024A-02-06-01-013) (Jun 2024 ~ Feb 2025)

· Industrial Club Mini Center (ICMC) of Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation (LINC) (May 2024 ~ Jan 2025)

· Young Researcher Program, National Research Foundation (NRF) of the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. RS-2024-00342949) (Apr 2024 ~ Mar 2029)

· Academic Support Research Fund, Korea University (Mar 2024 ~ Aug 2024)

· World Expert Lecture Series (WELS) grant of the Office of International Linkages (OIL) of the University of the Philippines (Nov 22 2023 ~ Dec 1 2023)

· Industrial Club Mini Center (ICMC) of Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation (LINC) (Jun 2023 ~ Jan 2024)

· Global Leading Technology Program, Mobility ICT Division (No. 2023A-02-06-01-010) (May 2023 ~ Feb 2024)

· Industrial Club Mini Center (ICMC) of Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation (LINC) (Oct 2022 ~ Feb 2023)

· Global Leading Technology Program, Mobility ICT Division (No. 2022A-02-07-02-007) (Aug 2022 ~ Feb 2023)

· Start-up Research Grant, College of Science & Technology, Korea University (Mar 2021 ~ Jan 2022)

· X-mind Corps Program at KU Sejong (Mar 2021 ~ Feb 2022)

· Mid-Career Researcher Program, National Research Foundation (NRF) of the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2020R1A2C1A01100114) (Sep 2020 ~ Feb 2023)

· Start-up Research Grant, Gyeongsang National University (Sep 2020 ~ Feb 2021)

· Young Researcher Program, National Research Foundation (NRF) of the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2017R1C1B1001937) (Mar 2017 ~ Feb 2020)

· Researching Assistance Scholarship, Department of Mathematics, Korea University (Spring 2014)

· Merit-based Scholarship, Department of Mathematics, Korea University (Fall 2013)

· Lotte Foundation Scholarship (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012)

· Teaching Assistance Scholarship, Department of Mathematics, Korea University (Spring 2011, Spring 2013, Fall 2013)


· Coordinator, KSIAM Mathematical Biology Sectional Committee, 2024~2025

· Reviewers, Mathematical Reviews, 2023~

· Organizing Committee, 2024 KSIAM Spring Conference

· Committee Member, KMS Applied Mathematics Sectional Committee, 2024~2026

· Sub-committee Member, Joint Annual Meeting of the KSMB and the SMB 2024, 2023~2024

· Chair, KSMB Analysis and Modeling of PDE Systems Sectional Committee, 2023~2024

· Bussiness Directior, KSMB Board, 2023~2024

· Editing Director, KSIAM Board, 2023~2024

· Managing Editor, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics , 2023~2024

· Editorial Board, PLoS One, 2022~

· Committee Member, Institute of Natural Science, Korea University, 2022~2023

· Coordinator, KSIAM Biomedical Mathematics Sectional Committee, 2022~2023

· Committee Member, Sejong Admissions Officer, Korea University, Sep 2021 ~ Aug 2023

· Department Head of Mathematical Research, The Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, 2020

· Committee Member, KSIAM International Exchange Committee, 2020~2022

· Editorial Board, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2020~2023

· Industrial Mathematics Expert, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Dec 18 2019 ~ Dec 17 2022


· Organizer of Mini-symposium, Joint Annual Meeting KSMB & SMB 2024, Seoul, Korea Republic, Jun 30~Jul 5, 2024

· Session Chair, 2024 KSIAM Spring Conference, Daegu, Korea Republic, May 17~19, 2024

· Session Chair and Invited Talk Chair, 2024 KMS Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea Republic, Apr 18~20, 2024

· Session Chair, The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) 2023, Aug 20~25, 2023

· Session Chair, The 8th CIJK Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Jeju, Korea Republic, Jun 27~Jul 1, 2023

· Organizer of Mini-symposium, The 8th CIJK Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Jeju, Korea Republic, Jun 27~Jul 1, 2023

· Session Chair, 2023 KMS Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea Republic, Apr 27~29, 2023

· Session Chair, Mini-workshop on Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Daejeon, Korea Republic, Dec 19, 2022

· Session Chair, 2022 KSIAM Spring Conference, Daejeon, Korea Republic, May 27~29, 2022

· Session Chair, 2021 KSIAM Spring Conference, Gangneung, Korea Republic, Jun 25~27, 2021

· Project Mentor, 2019 International Workshop on Mathematical Biology, Bohol, Philippines, Jan 7~10, 2019

· Organizer, 2018 International Workshop on Mathematical Biology, Cebu, Philippines, Jan 7~10, 2018

· Organizer, Topics on Geometry in Mathematical and Computational Modeling, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Dec 15, 2017


· Theory of Mathematical Modelling, Applied Mathematics Capstone Design, Mathematical Modelling (Graduate) (Fall 2024) (be scheduled)

· Computational Mathematics, Topic Course, Innovation·Convergence Capston Design I, Creavity·Collaboration Capston Design I, Numerical Analysis II (Graduate) (Spring 2024)

· Complex Analysis and Applications, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Innovation·Convergence Capston Design II, Mathematical Biology I (Graduate) (KU) (Fall 2023)

· Linear Algebra I, Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis I (Graduate) (KU) (Spring 2023)

· Linear Algebra II, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (KU) (Fall 2022)

· Computational Mathematics, Analysis I, Biomathematics I (Graduate) (KU) (Spring 2022)

· Partial Differential Equations, Theory of Mathematical Modelling, Scientific Computing II (Graduate) (KU) (Fall 2021)

· Computational Mathematics, Complex Analysis and Applications (KU) (Spring 2021)

· Mathematics II, Probability and Statistics, Industrial Mathematics (GNU) (Fall 2020)

· Mathematics I, Numerical Analysis, Measure and Integration (GNU) (Spring 2020)

· Mathematics II, Measure and Integration II (GNU) (Fall 2019)

· Global Coorperation R&E Program for Korea Foundation for the Advanced of Science and Creativity (Committee) (2023)

· R&E Program for Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (Committee) (2021)

· R&E Program for Gyeonggibuk Science High School (External Advisor) (2017-2023)

· R&E Program for Hansung Science High School (Teaching Assistance) (2015)