Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University 

Matoshri Girls’ and Boys’ Hostel

About Hostels

The Hostel at Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati was established in the academic year 1994-95. The university takes pride in providing excellent hostel accommodation for both girls and boys. There are four Girls’ Hostels and three Boys’ Hostels situated within the university campus. The Girls' Hostel buildings are located in the northern part of the campus, while the Boys' Hostel buildings are situated in the southern part. This ensures convenient access for the residents. Each hostel is equipped with a well-maintained computer room that offers 24-hour internet access to the students. This facility enables the residents to engage in academic research, complete assignments and stay connected with the online world. The total capacity of the Girls' Hostels is approximately 269, while the Boys' Hostels can accommodate around 168 students. This allows a significant number of students to avail the hostel facilities. To ensure smooth functioning and address any concerns, each hostel has a dedicated Hostel Committee. The committee actively monitors all the activities within the hostel premises and ensures the well-being and safety of the residents. The hostel environment is designed to be eco-friendly, promoting sustainability and responsible living. Additionally, the university maintains a strict policy against ragging, creating a safe and welcoming environment for all residents. The hostel facilities at Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University provide a conducive living and learning environment, enabling students to focus on their academic pursuits and personal growth.