2nd Workshop on

Scene Graphs and Graph Representation Learning (SG2RL)

Held in conjunction with CVPR 2024 in Seattle, WA, USA

Time: 17 June 2024, 08:30 - 12:00

Location: Summit 322


The workshop focuses on the topic of scene graphs and graph representation learning for visual perception applications in different domains. Through a series of keynote talks, the audience will learn about defining, generating and predicting scene graphs, as well as about employing them for other tasks. Oral presentations of accepted submissions to the workshop will further enrich discussed topics with state-of-the-art advancements and engage the community. The objective is for attendees to learn about current developments and application domains of scene graphs and graph representation learning, as well as to draw inspiration and identify commonalities across these domains. Furthermore, this workshop will create an opportunity to discuss limitations, challenges, and next steps from research, practical, and ethical perspectives.


Important Dates and Details

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