sfi2 use case 4
Energy-Efficient Slicing

sustainable network infrastructures with Energy-Efficient Slicing

The main objective of Use Case 4 (UC4) is to introduce slicing as a new enabler supporting the deployment of efficient distributed network infrastructures while enforcing energy efficiency in the slicing 3GPP life-cycle phases of preparation, commissioning, operation, and decomissioning.

UC4 slicing premisses

  • Energy Efficiency requirements and policies are essential criteria for slicing

  • UC4 approach for slice's requirement specification uses an intent-based style

  • The UC4 slicing approach fosters renewable energy use (green computing)

UC4 slicing architecture in a snapshot

  • A Tenant Slice Specification considering Energy Efficiency requirements and policies

  • The service specification is intent-based

  • Resources are traded in the Marketplace

  • The SliceBroker brokers for resources

UC4 team

USP: Profa. Tereza Carvalho and Adnei Willian DonattiIFSP: Prof. Luiz RosaUFG: Profa. Sand Luz Corrêa and Prof. Kleber CardosoUFPE: Prof. José Augusto Suruagy, Marvin Martinez and Eli Carlos Souza UNIFACS: Prof. Joberto MartinsPUC-RS: Prof. Tiago Ferreto