The Bay Area Gazette is an independent news organization covering news and events in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We cover business, art, politics, and breaking news all over the Bay Area. We believe in the importance of a free press and support fair and balanced news reporting about local community events. Our correspondents are positioned throughout the Bay Area in the North Bay, South Bay, East Bay, and the Peninsula

Crime and Public Safety

Reporting on crime and public safety stories is important to an informed community. Based upon the recent defunding movement of local law enforcement organizations it's important to measure crime statistics and impact of both additional funding and budget cuts to local government.


The local business community is another important sector which impacts the health of the economy and fiscal health of the region. Part of the culture of the Bay Area is the wide variety of cuisine at the local restaurants. Lasting memories are formed at the diverse amount of wedding and event venues throughout the bay. All of these business sectors have an interesting story to tell and we report on all of them. These are often stories you will not here anywhere else.

Arts and Entertainment

Arts, Culture, and Entertainment is part of what makes the San Francisco Bay area such a special place. Attending a performance at the Orinda Theatre in the East Bay, visiting Chinatown and North Beach in San Francisco, and viewing the displays in the Tech Museum in the Silicon Valley.

Home and Garden

The mild California climate makes the Bay Area an amazing place to live. Located just a short distance from the Ocean and a few hours from the Sierra Mountains for winter skiing and views of Lake Tahoe. The Bay Area is perfectly situated for a variety of different adventures and day trips to these diverse areas and experiences.