Stephan A. Fahrenkrog-Petersen

Personal Summary

Stephan Fahrenkrog-Petersen leads the research group "Security and Transparency of digital Processes" at the Weizenbaum Institute. His main research focus is Process Mining, an emerging subfield of Data Mining. His research was published in the proceedings of the premier conferences in the field (AAAI, BPM, CAiSE, ICPM) and in international journals, such as Information Systems, ACM TMIS, and KAIS. His work was recognized with the Best Process Mining PhD Dissertation Award 2023 , selected as CAiSE Best PhD Thesis Nominee (Top 3),  the Distinguished Paper Award at CAiSE 2021 and the Best Student Paper Award at ICPM 2021.

He collaborates with scholars from around the world from prestigious academic institutions such as the University of Toronto, UC Irvine, Eindhoven University of Technology or the University of Tartu. Some of his international research was supported through the German Academic Exchance Service (DAAD). As part of his networing activities he is a member of the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining.

Furthermore, he is an experienced educator, certified by the Berlin Centre of Higher Education. As part of his teaching he invented new innovative courses, such as "How to Win a Turing Award", a seminar that enabled undergraduates to learn more about the most important research in Computer Science. For several of his courses he collaborated with industry partners such as QuadriO Beratungsgesellschaft mbH and Camunda. In addition to his regular teching activities he was involved in the supervision of many bachelor & master thesis project, resulting in several peer-reviewed publications. 


Feel free to connect with me on social media, for the most recent updates about my research. I am also happy for every request regarding collaboration or similar things. Please feel free to reach out, either by social media or email!

Contact: stephan.fahrenkrog-petersen [at]