Star Formation and Stellar Feedback (SF2)

To Understand the Roles of Magnetic Fields and Dust in Star Formation and Stellar Feedback


Magnetic field is widely thought to play an important role in the star formation process. Once a star starts to form or dies (as supernova explosion), intense stellar radiation, stellar winds, and outflows trigger radiative and mechanical feedback which can fundamentally change the physical and chemical properties of the surrounding environments. The modified properties of the surrounding environment in turn affect the accretion process such as in massive star formation and supermassive black hole formation . The goal of this project is to understand the roles of magnetic fields and dust in star formation and to study the impact of radiative and mechanical feedback of stars and supernovae onto the surrounding dust and gas. Toward the goal, we will combine basic theory of dust physics, numerical modeling, with multi-wavelength (from UV- microwave) and multiple tracers (dust and chemical) observations. In particular, our project will exploit the new physical effects, namely radiative and mechanical torques induced by stellar radiation and stellar winds on dust to interprete dust polarization data.


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