Can a realistic sex doll communicate with humans?

You can explain some facts to the realistic sex doll and the realistic sex doll will remember them and they will become part of her basic knowledge. Harmonizer will be able to shape her personality according to what they say to her. The Harmonizer will be as systematic as possible and know her master as well as possible, and use these facts in conversations that worry her a lot.

A small (263 heterosexual men surveyed) study conducted by the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2016 found that more than 40% said they could imagine buying realistic sex dolls for themselves now or in the next five years.

In this game, people can create an ideal partner based on their needs and see it as abusive (or loving). This doesn't seem to work, but it can influence the player.

The chubby sex doll is happy to scold you in her "sexy mode", but she will tell you that any sexual conversation will make her feel "uncomfortable" with a sex robot named Chubby. The calculator. It's not so much about sex as it is about companionship - and that's an issue that concerns everyone.