Workshop accepts four types of submissions

Important Dates 

Submission deadline: March 9th March 31st 2023 

Notifications: April 20th, 2023

Camera ready version: May 7th, 2023

Workshop days: 29th of May 2023 in Hersonissos Greece

Submissions must be in English formatted in the style of the CEUR-ART style files for papers, see SeWebMeDa-2023 Paper template.

We accept PDF submissions only.

Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair system  no later than March 9th March 31st 2023 . Submissions will be reviewed by members of the workshop program committee. Papers will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and relevance to the workshop. Camera-ready version: May 7, 2023

Workshop Chair has all the rights to cancel the workshop (at any time) due to insufficient and/or low quality submissions or any other reason.


Meeting the criteria, proceedings of SeWeBMeDA-2023 are planned to published at CEUR Workshop Proceedings