Yr. 2017
Severino Fernández Galán
Welcome to my personal webpage!
My 'short biography' and a list of my 'publications' are available below.
Short Biography
Fernández Galán
Associate Professor
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
E.T.S.I. Informática, UNED
C/ Juan del Rosal, 16
28040 Madrid, Spain
Tel.: +34 91 3987300
E-mail: seve@dia.uned.es
1971, Zamora, Spain
Ph.D., February 2003, Department of Artificial Intelligence at UNED, Madrid, Spain
Title: Bayesian Networks for Temporal Reasoning: Medical and Industrial Applications (in Spanish)
Thesis advisors: Francisco J. Díez and José Mira
B.Sc., Physics, June 1994, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
(1989–1992 at Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain)
2003–present, Associate Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence, UNED, Madrid, Spain
2001–2003, Interim Associate Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence, UNED, Madrid, Spain
1996–2001, Assistant Professor
Department of Artificial Intelligence, UNED, Madrid, Spain
(See also my Google Scholar Page)
Modeling Complex and Intelligent Systems with NetLogo (304 pages, in English) [table of contents] [errata list]
(Keywords: complex systems, intelligent systems, agent-based modeling, NetLogo)
S. F. Galán
Bellisco Ediciones, Madrid, 2022
Message Passing Cellular Automata (164 pages, in English) [table of contents] [errata list]
(Keywords: fundamentals of cellular automata, novel extension of cellular automata through message passing, applications)
S. F. Galán
Marcombo, Barcelona, 2020
Fundamentos de la Computación Evolutiva (404 pages, in Spanish) [table of contents] [errata list]
(Keywords: fundamentals of evolutionary computation, evolutionary algorithms, advanced evolutionary techniques)
E. J. Carmona and S. F. Galán
Marcombo, Barcelona, 2020
Redes Bayesianas Temporales: Aplicaciones Médicas e Industriales (208 pages, in Spanish) [pdf] [abstract in English]
(Keywords: Bayesian networks for temporal reasoning, network of probabilistic events in discrete time, medical and industrial applications)
S. F. Galán
Ph.D. Thesis, Artificial Intelligence Dept. at UNED, Madrid, 2003
Problemas Resueltos de Inteligencia Artificial Aplicada: Búsqueda y Representación (408 pages, in Spanish) [pdf] [errata list]
(Keywords: artificial intelligence, solved exercises)
S. F. Galán, J. G. Boticario, and J. Mira
Addison-Wesley, Madrid, 1998
Self-adaptive polynomial mutation in NSGA-II
(Keywords: multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, NSGA-II, polynomial mutation, distribution index self-adaptation)
J. L. Carles-Bou and S. F. Galán
Soft Computing, 27(23):17711-17727, 2023
Minimum modulus visualization of algebraic fractals
(Keywords: complex plane, iterated complex function, algebraic fractal, visualization, minimum modulus)
S. F. Galán
Journal of Computer Languages, 76:101222, 2023
Comparative evaluation of the Fast Marching Method and the Fast Evacuation Method for heterogeneous media
(Keywords: evacuation, heterogeneous medium, cellular automaton, Fast Marching Method, Fast Evacuation Method)
S. F. Galán
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 35(13):1056-1080, 2021
Extending cellular evolutionary algorithms with message passing
(Keywords: optimization problem, cellular evolutionary algorithm, message passing, effective exploration)
S. F. Galán
Soft Computing, 25(8):6271-6282, 2021
Fast Evacuation Method: using an effective dynamic floor field based on efficient pedestrian assignment
(Keywords: evacuation, cellular automaton, effective floor field, efficient pedestrian assignment)
S. F. Galán
Safety Science, 120:79-88, 2019
[Two interesting novel ideas in this article are:
(1) The “Fast Evacuation Method” itself
(2) The “Probabilistic Neighborhood for Cellular Automata” (which generalizes both the “von Neumann” and the “Moore” classical neighborhoods)]
Comparative evaluation of region query strategies for DBSCAN clustering
(Keywords: clustering, DBSCAN algorithm, region query strategy, comparative evaluation)
S. F. Galán
Information Sciences, 502:76-90, 2019
Neighborhood Beautification: graph layout through message passing
(Keywords: graph drawing, aesthetic graph layout, neighborhood interaction, message passing)
S. F. Galán and O. J. Mengshoel
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 44:72-88, 2018
Simple decentralized graph coloring
(Keywords: graph coloring problem, simple decentralized approach, conflicting edges minimization, graph coloring quality)
S. F. Galán
Computational Optimization and Applications, 66(1):163-185, 2017
Adaptive generalized crowding for genetic algorithms
(Keywords: genetic algorithm, premature convergence, generalized crowding, scaling factor control)
O. J. Mengshoel, S. F. Galán, and A. de Dios
Information Sciences, 258:140-159, 2014
[After its publication in “Information Sciences” journal, this article was accepted for oral presentation at: GECCO’2014 Hot Off the Press (HOP) Track, Vancouver (Canada), 2014]
A novel mating approach for genetic algorithms
(Keywords: genetic algorithm, premature convergence, mating strategy, mating index, self-adaptive mating)
S. F. Galán, O. J. Mengshoel, and R. Pinter
Evolutionary Computation, 21(2):197-229, 2013
Generalized crowding for genetic algorithms [pdf]
(Keywords: genetic algorithm, premature convergence, crowding, replacement rule, scaling factor)
S. F. Galán and O. J. Mengshoel
In: Proceedings of the 12th Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2010), pages 775-782, Portland (USA), 2010. ACM Press, New York.
Constraint handling using tournament selection: abductive inference in partly deterministic Bayesian networks
(Keywords: constraint optimization problem, genetic algorithm, Bayesian network, approximate abductive inference, most probable explanation)
S. F. Galán and O. J. Mengshoel
Evolutionary Computation, 17(1):55-88, 2009
Belief updating in Bayesian networks by using a criterion of minimum time
(Keywords: Bayesian network, belief updating, variable elimination, elimination ordering, clustering algorithm, triangulation, criterion of minimum time)
S. F. Galán
Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(4):465-482, 2008
Comparison of two types of event Bayesian networks: a case study
(Keywords: Bayesian network for temporal reasoning, event Bayesian network, comparative evaluation, fossil power plant failures)
S. F. Galán, G. Arroyo-Figueroa, F. J. Díez, and L.E. Sucar
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 21(3):185-209, 2007
Incorporating organizational factors into probabilistic safety assessment of nuclear power plants through canonical probabilistic models
(Keywords: probabilistic safety assessment of nuclear power plants, organizational factors, omega-factor model, Bayesian network, noisy gate)
S. F. Galán, A. Mosleh, and J. M. Izquierdo
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 92(8):1131-1138, 2007
Comparative evaluation of temporal nodes Bayesian networks and networks of probabilistic events in discrete time [pdf]
(Keywords: Bayesian network for temporal reasoning, temporal nodes Bayesian network, network of probabilistic events in discrete time, comparative evaluation, fossil power plant failures)
S. F. Galán, G. Arroyo-Figueroa, F. J. Díez, and L.E. Sucar
In: Proceedings of the 3rd Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’2004), pages 498-507, Mexico City (Mexico), 2004. Springer, Berlin, Germany
Efficient computation for the noisy MAX
(Keywords: Bayesian network, noisy-MAX gate, factorization, efficient inference)
F. J. Díez and S. F. Galán
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 18:165-177, 2003
NasoNet, modeling the spread of nasopharyngeal cancer with networks of probabilistic events in discrete time
(Keywords: nasopharyngeal cancer, Bayesian network, network of probabilistic events in discrete time, temporal noisy gate)
S. F. Galán, F. Aguado, F. J. Díez, and J. Mira
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 25:247-264, 2002
Networks of probabilistic events in discrete time
(Keywords: Bayesian network for temporal reasoning, temporal noisy gate)
S. F. Galán and F. J. Díez
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 30:181-202, 2002
[Please see paper “Efficient computation for the noisy MAX” (year 2003 on this page) for inference issues regarding networks of probabilistic events in discrete time.]
NasoNet, joining Bayesian networks and time to model nasopharyngeal cancer spread [pdf]
(Keywords: nasopharyngeal cancer, Bayesian network, temporal noisy gate)
S. F. Galán, F. Aguado, F. J. Díez, and J. Mira
In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME'01), pages 207-216, Cascais (Portugal), 2001. Springer, Berlin, Germany
Modelling dynamic causal interactions with Bayesian networks: temporal noisy gates [pdf]
(Keywords: Bayesian network, noisy gate, temporal noisy gate)
S. F. Galán and F. J. Díez
In: Working Notes of the ECAI'2000 2nd International Workshop on Bayesian and Causal Networks (CaNew'2000), pages 1-5, Berlin (Germany), 2000