In the first segment, Junior Asparagus is watching a Frankencelery movie before being told by his mom that he needs to go to bed and says the movie is too scary for him. Junior denies this as he goes upstairs, but when he imagines his family portrait is full of monsters, he runs to his room scared. However, Bob and Larry drop in and comfort Junior in a song about how he does not need to be afraid because God is watching out for him and He is bigger than anything. Junior is then confronted by Frankencelery who reveals that he is merely an actor named Phil Winklestein from Toledo. Junior is convinced and sings that "God is bigger". After Bob, Larry, and Frankencelery leave, Junior's dad comes to tuck Junior in. The pair then discuss how God takes care of them, that Junior needs to be more careful about what he watches in the future, and it's okay to tell his parents if he's scared.[1] This segment was written and directed by Phil Vischer. Vischer also serves as the animator of this segment, along with Robert Ellis and Chris Olsen.

The second segment is an adaptation of the biblical story of Daniel in the lions' den from the Book of Daniel, King Darius (Archibald Asparagus) is in his court with his Wisemen (The Scallions) when he confides that he has had a dream and wants help with what it means. The Wisemen cannot figure out the answer, but Daniel (Larry the Cucumber) arrives and correctly interprets the dream. Impressed, King Darius then promotes Daniel as his second-in-command. However, the Wisemen become envious and trick King Darius into creating a law that says his subjects can only pray to him. Soon after, the Wisemen catch Daniel praying to God and throw him into the lions' den in accordance with the law. Daniel hears the lions and is afraid, but an angel comforts him reminding him that God is with him. Meanwhile, the Wisemen celebrate their supposed victory. King Darius, however, spends a restless night praying that Daniel's God is protecting him. The next morning, King Darius runs to the lions' den and finds Daniel alive and well. King Darius changes the law so that everybody must pray only to Daniel's God and turns to punish the Wisemen who flee to Egypt. This segment was also written and directed by Phil Vischer, and was also animated by Robert Ellis and Chris Olsen.

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In the first segment, Pa Grape is the father of a family of cranky grapes, the Grapes of Wrath, who regularly name-call and insult others and each other.[3] Upon crashing into a tree stump, the family gets out of their truck and begins to tease Junior Asparagus about his appearance. Junior is then rescued by his dad who explains to the Grapes that it is not nice to pick on people, and Junior forgives them at his dad's urging. But afterwards, the Grapes see Junior flying into the sandbox and laugh. Junior is reluctant to forgive them again, so Bob and Larry try to figure out how many times one should forgive and Qwerty shows the verse, Matthew 18:22 "Jesus answered 'I tell you not seven times, but seventy times seven.'[4] When Rosie figures out that seventy times seven equals 490, the Grapes ask for Junior's forgiveness and the Grapes of Wrath are renamed "The Grapes of Math".

In the second segment, Larry daydreams, causing a boat filled with passengers to crash on a remote island. Due to this accident, the passengers hold a grudge against Larry, despite his attempts to apologize, which saddens him into running away. However, Bob realizes the error of their ways and the group forgives Larry for stranding them. A palm tree named Palmy appears and congratulates everyone for their forgiveness, reminding them of how important it is. The shipmates are finally able to escape the island on a helicopter cobbled together by the Professor (Dad Asparagus).

In the first story, which is an adaptation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan from the Gospel of Luke in the style of Dr. Seuss, Larry the Cucumber lives in Flibber-o-loo, where everybody wears shoes on their heads. Junior Asparagus lives in Jibber-de-Lot where everyone wears pots on their heads. For days, the two cities have flung headgear at each other over a disagreement on whose is best. Upon leaving, Larry is attacked by the bandits (The Scallions), who rob and leave him upside down in a hole. Both the mayor of Flibber-o-loo (Archibald Asparagus) and a Flibbian doctor (Lovey Asparagus) come upon Larry, but claim to be too busy to help. Soon after, Junior comes along and, despite the differences of their people, helps Larry. After seeing the kind act of a supposed enemy, the mayor concludes that everyone should help each other no matter how different they are. The disagreement ends and the two cities now throw flowers and candy at each other.

In the second story, Junior Asparagus tells Dad Asparagus that he is not going to invite a new kid, Fernando, to his birthday party because he thinks that the boy is weird. Bob and Larry arrive in their small spaceship and take Junior to the U.S.S. Applepies, having discovered that the ship is without power and is in the path of a giant meteor. While Scooter, the ship's engineer, frantically works to fix the ship's engines, Junior suggests that two new crew members Jimmy and Jerry Gourd can help save the ship when Scooter tells him that the meteor is made of popcorn. Launched into space, Jimmy and Jerry eat the meteor before it can collide with the ship. Junior celebrates with the crew before being taken home by Bob and Larry, where he tells his dad that he has reconsidered and will invite Fernando to his party despite how different he is. Bob and Larry then come back looking for the freeway, to which Junior gives them directions.

This story is an adaptation of the biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel told by George, which takes place at the Nezzer Chocolate Factory where the employees work hard all day making chocolate bunnies on an assembly line. In celebration of the company shipping their two-millionth chocolate bunny, Mr. Nezzer announces that for 30 minutes, all employees may eat all the bunnies they want. While all the other workers ravenously devour the chocolate, Shack (Junior Asparagus) convinces his friends Rack (Bob the Tomato) and Benny (Larry the Cucumber) to stop eating them, reminding them that their parents taught them that too much candy is very unhealthy. He emphasizes his stance by singing a lullaby called "Think of Me" that his mom taught him.

When 30 minutes have passed, Mr. Nezzer leaves his office to discover that all the workers are sick, with the exception of Rack, Shack, and Benny, who are rewarded and promoted to Junior Executives. The following day, Mr. Nezzer calls the trio into his office, informing them that he has constructed a 90-foot-tall bunny which he intends to force all employees to sing "The Bunny Song" to and bow down. According to the lyrics of the song, nothing in the world (such as God, church, school, healthy food, and family) is more important than the bunny. Those who do not bow down and sing the song will be deemed "bad bunnies", thrown into the factory's furnace, and burned to death.

Later, at the statue's dedication ceremony, Mr. Nezzer commands all of his workers to bow and sing "The Bunny Song". However, Mr. Lunt notices that the trio are not bowing nor singing, so Mr. Nezzer confronts the trio. Eventually, the trio respond by instead singing "Think of Me" in protest. Mr. Nezzer is touched by the song, but still orders their incineration. Meanwhile, Laura Carrot plans their rescue. Mr. Nezzer sends the trio down the garbage chute to the furnace, but Laura rushes in and catches them in her flying delivery truck. After a failed attempt to flee through the factory's ventilation system, Mr. Lunt operates a pair of mechanical arms which grab the truck and tilt it toward the furnace. Laura stops the arms by pulling the plug, but the truck fails to continue supporting the trio's weight and they fall right into the furnace. Mr. Nezzer gloats as the three fall in, but Mr. Lunt sees four people (the trio and a shiny person) inside, none of whom are being incinerated. Shocked, Mr. Nezzer tells the trio to come out. After they emerge from the furnace unscathed, Mr. Nezzer realizes that it was God who saved the trio, and feeling guilty for his actions apologizes to them, and the trio forgive him. They then sing a song about standing up for what they believe in.

This story is an adaptation of the biblical story of David and Goliath from the First Book of Samuel. In the desert near Jerusalem, Dave (Junior Asparagus) and his three brothers (Jimmy and Jerry Gourd and Tom Grape) are tending a flock of sheep. Jimmy, Jerry, and Tom are constantly picking on Dave and making him do their bidding. Eventually, their father, Jesse (Pa Grape), comes with the news that the Philistines (The French Peas) are attacking and that King Saul (Archibald Asparagus) is gathering an army to face the threat. Jimmy, Jerry, Tom, and Dave run off to volunteer, but Dave is stopped by Jesse who tells him that "big people do big things and little people do little things", forcing him to stay and tend to the sheep alone.

At King Saul's camp, the Israelites and the Philistines reach a compromise to end the war quickly: They will have their two greatest fighters face off with the champion determining who shall win the war. Because the Philistines are small, King Saul agrees, but he soon regrets this when the Philistines bring out the 30-foot tall Goliath. This causes the Israelites to run away and hide. No one is willing to fight Goliath, and the Israelites stall for forty days. One day, Dave is sent to the camp to deliver food to his brothers and is ashamed at the sight of the Israelites hiding from the Philistines. Jimmy and Jerry warn Dave about Goliath, but Dave tells King Saul that he will fight. King Saul is shocked, but Dave says God can help little people make a difference. Dave then goes into battle armed with nothing but stones and a sling, while Goliath dons a pair of boxing gloves. The battle is short as Dave slings one of the stones at Goliath and strikes him between the eyes, knocking him out. The Philistines panic and run away, while the Israelites win for Dave for the victory. 152ee80cbc

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