Seung Hyeon Lee
BS: School of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University (2019.03 ~ )
MS: Department of Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University, (2023.03~)
Robotics and Computer Vision Lab (2021.03~ )
Crop Growth Monitoring System in Vertical Farms Based on Region-of-Interest Prediction
Yujin Hwang , Seunghyeon Lee, Taejoo Kim , Kyeonghoon Baik and Yukyung Choi*
Agriculture 2022, 12(5) 656. (Apr.2022) [paper]
Pseudo-RGB based Place Recognition through Thermal to RGB Image Translation
Seunghyeon Lee, Taejoo Kim and Yukyung Choi*
The Journal of Korea Robotics Society (JKRS) 2023, 18(1) 48-52. (Feb.2023) [paper]
6-DOF Object Pose Estimation in Aerosol Conditions: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
Heejin Yang, Seunghyeon Lee, Taejoo Kim and Yukyung Choi*
The Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems 2024, 30(6) 614 -620. (Jun.2024) [paper]
FRESH: Fusion-Based 3D Apple Recognition via Estimating Stem Direction Heading
Geonhwa Son, Seunghyeon Lee and Yukyung Choi*
Agriculture 2024, 14(12) 2161. (Nov.2024) [paper]