Seung Hoon Lee
Associate Professor,
School of Economics,
Yonsei University
"Monopolistic Competition and Efficiency under Firm Heterogeneity and Non-Additive Preferences" with Kyle Bagwell, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 15(4), November 2023, 208-67
"The Well-Being of Nations: Estimating Welfare from International Migration" with Sanghoon Lee and Jeffrey Lin, International Economic Review, 62(3), August 2021, 1111-1130
"Trade Liberalization and Gender Gaps in Local Labor Market Outcomes : Dimensions of Adjustment in the United States" with Tibor Besedeš and Tongyang Yang, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 183, March 2021, 574-588
“Trade Policy under Monopolistic Competition with Firm Selection” with Kyle Bagwell (Online Appendix), Journal of International Economics, Volume 127, November 2020, 103379
“Risk Sharing and Export Performance with Firm Heterogeneity” with Byongju Lee, Canadian Journal of Economics, 53(2), 2020, 665-719
”Political Influence and Trade Uncertainty: Evidence from Sanction Threats and Impositions” with Yong Suk Lee, Economics Bulletin, 38(1), 2018, 367-372
"Entry and Welfare in General Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Firms and Endogenous Markups" with Kyle Bagwell (Online Appendix)
- Updated on August 25, 2024
- R&R request from International Economic Review"Cities as Inverted Watersheds" with Sanghoon Lee (SSRN)
-Interactive app and shapefiles(link)"The China Shock and Internal Migration: Evidence from Bilateral Migration Flows" with Jaerim Choi and Hyoungchul Kim
"The Role of Academic Network in Economics PhD Job Market: How 'white' is your Network?" with Elizabeth Kwon
"Community Banks and the Mitigation of the China Shock" with Sung Je Byun and Sanghoon Lee
-Formerly circulated as "China Shock, local credit supply, and the amplified impact on the U.S. labor market" (Online Appendix)"Trade Policy under Monopolistic Competition with Heterogeneous Firms and Quasi-linear CES Preferences" with Kyle Bagwell
"Assortative Mating in Cities (tentative)" with Elizabeth Kwon, Sanghoon Lee, and Jeffrey Lin
"The Impact of City Minimum Wages on Local Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from California" with Jaerim Choi and Elizabeth Kwon
"부동산 가격 변동과 경제불평등과의 관계 - 자산과 소득 불평등을 중심으로" with the Korea Institute of Finance, December 2023
"KTX 개통이 울산지역 산업 및 인구구조에 미친 영향" with the Bank of Korea (Ulsan Branch), November 2023
"수도권 시도 가구 자산·소득·부채 분석 연구" ("Analysis of Asset·Income·Debt in Metropolitan Area") with Statistics Korea, November 2022
"지역 균형발전을 위한 지역경제 활성화 방안: 지역 특성이 지역별 인구 이동에 미치는 영향" with the Bank of Korea (Gwangju & Jeonnam Branch), January 2022
학술지: "The Well-Being of Cities: Estimating Migration Attractiveness from Internal Migration across Korean Cities" with Hyoungchul Kim and Ji Sub Park, Global Economic Review, December 2023
"사회적 재난에 관환 소상공인 중층적 피해지원 체계 구축" with the Ministry of Economy and Finance (South Korea), December 2021