Seungbae Bang

I am currently an Applied Scientist at Amazon

Prior, I was a Postdoc researcher at University of Toronto, advised by Alec Jacobson.

My research interests include geometry processing, character rigging / deformation, character animation, simulation, and artist-friendly interface. My long-term goal is to provide the user with better tools for controlling digital characters. My PhD thesis on automatic rigging system was recognized by the Minister of Education as Korea's outstanding human resource under the Brain Korea 21 Plus program.

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Check out the code release of Complementary Dynamics [Zhang et al. 2020] in Matlab and C++


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea

• Ph.D. in Culture Technology / Motion Computing Laboratory, 2014-2019

• M.S. in Culture Technology / Visual Media Laboratory, 2012-2014

• B.S. in Industrial Design, 2005-2012

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

• Exchange Student in Computer Graphics Laboratory, 2015.01 – 2015.02