Seul Bee LEE
BK Research Professor, Seoul National University
1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
Research Interest
Dynamics and Number Theory
I am interested in the dynamical systems that come from the various versions of the continued fractions, and the connection between the continued fraction and the geodesics on the hyperbolic spaces. I am also studying arithmetic, statistical, and combinatorial properties related to continued fractions.
The Brjuno and Wilton functions (with Claire Burrin and Stefano Marmi), submitted, arXiv:2503.08206
Regularity properties of the α-Wilton functions (with Ayreena Bakhtawar and Carlo Carminati), preprint, arXiv:2409.20401
The Brjuno functions of the by-excess, odd, even and odd-odd continued fractions and their regularity properties (with Stefano Marmi), preprint, arXiv:2111.13553
[7] Diophantine approximation by rational numbers of certain parity types (with Dong Han Kim and Lingmin Liao), Mathematika, Vol. 71, e12285 (October 2024) arxiv:2403.12341
[6] Regularity properties for k-Brjuno and Wilton functions (with Stefano Marmi, Izabela Petrykiewicz and Tanja I. Schindler), Aequ. Math., Vol. 98, pp. 13-85 (30 June 2023) arXiv:2106.07298
[5] A convergence criterion for the unstable manifolds of the MacKay approximate renormalisation (with Stefano Marmi and Tanja I. Schindler), Phys. D: Nonlinear Phenom., Vol. 435, Paper No. 133300 (July 2022), arXiv:2111.10807
[4] Odd-odd continued fraction algorithm (with Dong Han Kim and Lingmin Liao), Monatsh. Math., Vol. 198, pp. 323-344 (June 2022), arXiv:2002.06310
[3] On the Lévy constants of Sturmian continued fractions (with Yann Bugeaud and Dong Han Kim), Pacific J. Math. Vol. 315, No. 1, pp. 1-25 (November 2021), arXiv:2004.09092
[2] Quasi-Sturmian colorings on regular trees (with Dong Han Kim, Seonhee Lim, Deokwon Sim), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 3403-3419 (December 2020), arXiv:1808.05400
[1] Colorings of trees with linear, intermediate and exponential subball complexity (with Seonhee Lim), J. Korean Math. Soc. Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 1123-1137 (November 2015),
Ph.D in Mathematics, September 2013 - August 2014 & March 2017 - August 2020, Seoul National University, Advisor: Seonhee Lim,
Thesis Title: Generalization of continued fraction: its number-theoretical, geometrical, and combinatorial properties
M.S in Mathematics, March 2011 - August 2013, Seoul National University, Advisor: Seonhee Lim,
Thesis Title: Colorings of regular trees with linear subword complexity: First examples and properties
B.S in Mathematics, March 2007 - February 2011, University Of Seoul
Academic Appointments
Dec. 2024 - present, BK Research Professor, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Sep. 2022 - Nov. 2024, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Geometry and Physics, Institute for Basic Science, Pohang, South Korea
Oct. 2020 - Aug. 2022, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio de Giorgi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Sep. 2020 - Oct. 2020, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
2020 Spring semester Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, August 2020.