


Post Event Interview


Source: Video Taken By CGSS

Activity 1 Interviewer

Participants that showed his final product through his creative and artistic idea to create the storage box which could help in lessening the purchase of new storage box and instead use a recycle one which could even help to be more environmental friendly!

Activity 2 Interviewer

Participant who joined our activity 2 and explain her fun and enjoyable experience throughout our event day and talking about her flower pot which is made out of plastic using her own creative idea!


Source: Video Taken By CGSS


Source: Video Taken By CGSS

Activity 3 Interviewer

Participant who did the activity 3 that is the phone and gadget holder which is the most unique and frequent used product in today's generation. Hence, a more environmental friendly phone stand is better! It can not only reduce pollution but also save our Earth from getting destroyed by other people! (Property Rights)

Participants that enjoyed our event and have a small interview with our CGSS committee and to talk about their exciting and fun experience throughout the event day! Most of it are good feedbacks and responses and hoping that they could understand the awareness of Waste to Wealth!


Source: Video Taken By CGSS

Event Day Progress

Credits: Video Taken By Ang Chun Min

Credits: Video Taken By Ang Chun Min

Negative Externalities

The only downside of this event is because of the happening of Covid-19 pandemic which causes us some hardship in finding our community as there are a lot of restrictions that needs to pay attention. Besides that, before conducting this event, we also need to make sure everything that we do is following the SOP that are imposed by the government and also the university rules. Furthermore, the weather during the event day was consider hotter than normal which causes our fans to be not that effective as community and committee were sweating and feeling hot.