We are currently looking for a new person to run the page. Please email settheoryscotland@gmail.com, or contact Ned Wontner if you are interested in taking some responsibility for the page. 

This page contains some information about Set Theory in Scotland. Send an email to settheoryscotland@gmail.com if you have any more information to add or correct any errors.

At present the following universities offer a taught module in set theory or a closely related area:

At present, the following academics based in Scotland have (some) research intrests in set theory:

Courses for graduate students:

In 2017, the Young Set Theory Workshop was held in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh topology on a generalised Baire space seems to be have named after this.

In 2016, the first Set Theoretic Pluralism Network Symposium was held in Aberdeen.

In 2011, the Third European Set Theory Conference was held in Edinburgh. 

Besides set theory, there are several researchers and taught courses in mathematical logic and logically-oriented philosophy and computer science in Scotland.  In category theory, Tom Leinster is at Edinburgh, and Glasgow runs a 5th year course. St Andrews' philosophy department runs advanced logic courses, and the university houses the Arché research centre. Sicsa, the Scottish Computer Science and Informatics Aliance, may also be revelant to those interested. 

 N.B. the Scottish Book (MacTutor) doesn't have much to do with Scotland, but it does feature in some great stories.  

CLICK HERE to redirect to the old website. Last updated: 21/02/2023