Where does the class take place?

The class is in The Granary which can be accessed through The George Hotel in the Market Place, Frome. Come through the bar, buy a drink (if you'd like one) and go through the rear courtyard to enter The Granary. There is a wooden floor and air con which is perfect for dancing!

When is the class?

The class is every Monday evening from 7.30pm until 9pm and starts on September 25th 2017.

How much does it cost?

The class costs £3 each week you attend.

Who is the class for?

Everyone! Beginners and experienced dancers are welcome. No experience of set dancing or any other form of dance, is expected or required. Set dancing is suitable for any age: if you can walk, you can set dance!

I don't have a partner and I'd be uncomfortable walking in on my own, do others go along on their own?

Yes, many dancers go to classes and ceilis on their own (including me!). It's always nerve wracking walking in to the first class, but I promise you will be made welcome. You do not need to come with a partner as I'll find one for you but if you do want to dance with a particular partner all night, that is fine too. There is absolutely nothing to lose and a whole new world of dance, fun, exercise and friendship to gain. Take that first step, come along and give it a try; you won't regret it!

I can't come every week, does that matter?

Not at all! Come along whenever you can - while I'd love to see you every week, I'll be delighted to see you whenever you are available.

I'm not available for the first class, can I join later?

Yes, absolutely, come and try it out at any time.

Can I try it out first before making a commitment?

There is no commitment needed at all, if you decide it's not for you, there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever to stay or return.

What should I wear?

Whatever you are comfortable in. Set dancing can be energetic at times and you are likely to warm up during the class so wearing layers is a good idea.

Do I need special shoes?

No, you don't need any special shoes. Shoes with a slight heel and leather soles are easiest to dance in, but people dance in every type of footwear. Trainers will be "sticky" on the floor, so these should be avoided if possible. After you've been dancing for a while, you can chat to other dancers about what shoes they wear and where they get them and you will then be able to make an informed choice.

Who teaches the class?

My name is Maddy Knight and I teach the class. I have been dancing sets since I was about 14 when I travelled to Ireland, visiting local sessions and dance halls during the time of the set dance revival. I have assisted in teaching set dancing with Val Knight (my Mum) and have lead a dance workshop at Chippenham festival. I live in Frome which is why I want to start a new class here.

Are the sets called?

The movements of each figure will be explained and walked through before the music starts. As the music and the dance begins, I will call you through to remind you of the next move. If you attend regularly, you will pick up the terminology and begin to recognise the movements very quickly.

Do I need to register or book in advance?

You don't need to register, or book in advance; just turn up at the class and you will very quickly feel at home.

Is car parking available?

Yes, there is free parking from 6pm in Cork Street car park BA113JB (1 minute walk from The George Hotel).