Understanding the Three Common Types of Water Damage

SERVPRO of Southeast El Paso/Butterfield Sheds Light on the Importance of Water Damage Restoration

SERVPRO of Southeast El Paso/Butterfield, a leading restoration company, has recently published a comprehensive article highlighting the three common types of water damage and why restoration is crucial. The article provides valuable insights into the various types of water damage and the steps homeowners and business owners can take to mitigate the damage.

Water damage is a common issue that can affect any property. The source of water damage can be anything from a burst pipe to a natural disaster, such as a flood. Understanding the type of water damage and its severity is crucial in determining the appropriate restoration method.

The three common types of water damage are clean water, grey water, and black water. Clean water is the least severe type of water damage, while black water is the most severe. Grey water falls in between clean water and black water in terms of severity.

Clean Water Damage

Clean water damage is caused by water that comes from a clean source. This type of water damage is the easiest to restore as it does not contain any contaminants. Some common causes of clean water damage include burst pipes, overflowing sinks, or malfunctioning appliances.

However, clean water damage can quickly turn into grey or black water damage if left untreated. Therefore, it is essential to act quickly and address the issue before it gets worse.

Grey Water Damage

Grey water damage is caused by water that contains some degree of contamination. This type of water damage is more severe than clean water damage and requires immediate attention. The most common sources of grey water damage are washing machines, dishwashers, and toilets.

Grey water can contain harmful bacteria and other pathogens that can cause health problems if not treated promptly. It is crucial to wear protective gear when handling grey water to avoid exposure to any harmful substances.

Black Water Damage

Black water damage is caused by water that contains a significant degree of contamination. This type of water damage is the most severe and can pose a severe health risk. Black water can contain sewage, chemicals, and other harmful substances.

Black water damage can occur due to flooding, sewage backup, or natural disasters. Handling black water requires specialized equipment and expertise. Therefore, it is essential to hire a water damage restoration experts to handle the restoration process.

The Importance of Water Damage Restoration

Water damage restoration is crucial to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your property and its occupants. Delaying restoration can cause the damage to worsen, leading to higher restoration costs and potential health hazards.

Water damage restoration involves a series of steps that include inspection, water removal, drying, and restoration. It is essential to hire a professional restoration company that has the expertise and equipment to handle the restoration process efficiently.

SERVPRO of Southeast El Paso/Butterfield is a leading water damage restoration company that specializes in water damage restoration. The company has a team of highly trained professionals who can handle any type of water damage restoration, from clean water to black water damage.

The company uses advanced equipment and techniques to ensure efficient and thorough restoration. Their team also provides 24/7 emergency services, ensuring that they are always available to handle any water damage restoration needs.


Water damage can be a significant issue that can cause significant damage to your property and pose a health risk. Understanding the different types of water damage and their severity is crucial in determining the appropriate restoration method.

SERVPRO of Southeast El Paso/Butterfield's article sheds light on the importance of water damage restoration and the different types of water damage. The company's expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction make them a reliable choice for any water damage restoration needs.

For more information about SERVPRO of Southeast El Paso/Butterfield's water damage restoration services, contact them today at (915) 234-2679!