Statistics: Charts & Graphs

Pay Cut:  Beginning in May 2023, MCCCD cut the hourly rate of overload/adjunct pay by 37 percent for a subgroup of faculty – service faculty – composed primarily of Counselors and Librarians. This is the only MCCCD employee group to face a pay cut that contradicts more than 20 years of continuous increases advocated for and, at times, awarded outside of advocacy, yet fully approved by the MCCCD Governing Board.  The Overload/Adjunct Pay Rate Chart reflects the original pay cut from $53 to a Tier system for new hires and retirees for the 2023/24 academic year.  Under the Tier system, instructors and instructional adjuncts remunerate at 2 clock hours for every 50 minutes of  instruction where service faculty account for a straight clock hour effectively returning our rate of pay to that of 1997:

Wage Disparity: This new compensation scheme also introduced materially different rates of pay for the same work solely for this employee group during the 2023/24 academi year. Full time and part time adjunct service faculty advocated to no avail up to the levels of the Chancellor and Governing Board to prevent what we believe are discriminatory actions predicated on recent changes in policy language that have supported a false narrative that service faculty are overpaid.  At the May 28, 2024, MCCCD Governing Board meeting, it unanimously approved the final pay cut of 20% (from $53 to $43 per hour) for those “legacy” service faculty unaffected by the original pay cut as well as a five year freeze on COLA increases solely for this group (See Proposed Tier Rates chart).

Composition of Service Faculty – Female over age 40: Service faculty (Counselors and Librarians) make up 10% of all faculty within MCCCD and a scant 2% of all employees, yet we are the only group targeted for a pay cut over the last two academic years and perhaps in all of MCCCD history.  According to the District’s own internal reporting, our employee group is 77% female - a statistic both currently and historically well documented.  Further, roughly 70% of our ranks are over 40 years of age with many of retirement age - See Chart Below based on Job Group Analysis Report:


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: On February 10, 2024, we registered an EEOC complaint with the Phoenix office pursuant to the wage disparity within our ranks. Our initial meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2024.  In addition, from 2022 to the present, we have followed policy prescribed channels to advocate internally on behalf of service faculty. This includes advocacy with the MCCCD Faculty Association and its related committees and task forces, the Chancellor culminating in a summer 2023 grievance, and the Governing Board. We believe principles of shared governance and interest-based negotiation of which MCCCD purports to abide have not been followed.  In fact, on more than one occasion those in power have suggested we accept all actions made towards our employee group or forfeit our faculty status.


Who We Are:  The following graphs and charts reflect the 43 service adjunct faculty who participated in a survey to better understand the makeup, work schedule and campus impact of our adjunct group.