Top 3 services that you can expect from a trusted test and tag company in 2021

When it comes to hiring a test and tag company, you must be aware of some vital aspects. You should hire a company that offers a streamlined approach and makes use efficient testing methods. The track record of the company must be checked. Trusted services focus on delivering 100% satisfaction guarantee to their clients. Here are top 3 services that you can expect from a reliable test and tag Adelaide company in 2021:

  1. Electrical appliance test and tagging

Appliance test and tagging refers to the process of examining and testing various types of electrical appliances. It makes sure that the people on the workplace remain safe and secure. Responsible test & tag Adelaide companies follow a systematic method of approach to deliver the best results. Visual inspection of the appliance is the first step. Then, they test the item electronically before labeling or tagging the appliance. Finally, the appliance and test results are recorded.

It is mandatory for all schools, government organizations, and businesses to put in place an electrical safety program. The best method to get this done is to conduct appliance test and tagging. With a proper test and tagging procedure, you can inspect and test every electrical appliance. An individual asset number is also assigned to each item. A test and tag company also submits an electrical report on Item location, description, and the final result.

  1. Fire equipment test and tagging

As the name suggests, fire equipment testing and tagging is the process of examining and testing the fire extinguishers. An experienced person inspects, tests, and records your fire equipment based on the Australian Standards. This type of testing and tagging always helps a business meet the necessary legislation obligations. Moreover, you can always make sure that your fire extinguishers are good enough to use whenever there is an emergency. A tested and tagged fire extinguisher saves life, property, and costly equipment without causing serious damage to the overall productivity. If you choose a reliable company, you don’t need to worry about the test and tag cost Adelaide.

  1. RCD testing

R.C.D stands for a safety switch. It is the abbreviation of residual current device. You can find RCD on all types of buildings. These switches work as the last line of defense. Power is turned off when there is a danger of electrocution. Two processes are used to perform RCD testing, namely push button testing and operation time testing. Reliable companies perform these tasks with minimal test and tag prices to keep customer satisfaction at optimal levels.