Statement of Faith


a) There is one true living eternal God who exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Creator of all things.

b) The Scriptures testify to the deity, virgin birth, and sinless humanity of Jesus Christ who shed his blood and died as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, was bodily resurrected, and ascended into heaven where he now intercedes for believers.

c) The Holy Spirit, sent from God, indwells every believer.

d) The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are wholly inspired by God, infallible and the final authority in faith and life.

e) The church is the body of Christ and its mission is to fulfil the “Great Commission” of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

f) Adam’s initial sin resulted in humanity’s complete and universal separation from God, and each individual’s need of salvation.

g) Salvation is a free and eternal gift of God, entirely by grace apart from works.

h) Every person is responsible to receive salvation by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

i) The believer is eternally secure in Christ.

j) Every born again believer is commanded to be baptized with water upon a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ.

k) The Lord instituted the ordinance of communion as a remembrance of His suffering and death.

l) Every Christian is called to walk in love towards God and man, yielding to the Spirit rather than the flesh.

m) God instituted marriage as a permanent bond between a male and a female.

n) There is a literal resurrection of the body; eternal glory for believers in heaven, and everlasting punishment for unbelievers in the lake of fire.

o) There will be a personal and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.