
For the latest news, follow us on Twitter @SerraLab_LC or Francesca's page on Linkedin

June 2023 - Lots and lots of liquid crystals at the Liquid Crystal Gordon research conference, where we will present two posters and two talks

June 2023 - Our paper on tunable disclination lines has just been published on PNAS:

June 2023 - Congratulations to Kirsten Endresen, who brilliantly defended her PhD thesis! 

May 2023  -   Check out this new paper on particles in liquid crystals, in which Francesca was involved: 

April 2023  -   Francesca Serra has been invited to deliver the Sturgeon lecture at the British Liquid Crystal society conference in Glasgow. 

March 2023  -  Kirsten Endresen, Sean Hare and Alvin Modin are presenting their works at APS March Meeting in Las Vegas. 

March 2023  -  Dr. Prasoon Awasthi has joined our group in Odense from IIT Kharagpur. Welcome! 

July 2022- I am looking for a postdoc researcher ! Here is the announcement.

I am looking for an excellent researcher with expertise in cell biology. The researcher can be a physicist with expertise in biology or a biologist with expertise in physics. I am looking for a collaborator to work on a project funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation on the role of liquid crystalline alignment in cell (as an example, you can read our paper here).