Considering that SQL Server connects an ERP with a high number of simultaneous connections (approximately 1,000), and the characteristic "Maximum calculation capacity" for each of the editions of SQL Server, the standard edition indicates 16 logical processors as the maximum supported, I understand that this has an impact on the "Workers Threads", that is, instead of supporting "4480", it is using only "704". Is what I'm saying about Workers Threads correct?

The numbers 4480 and 704 are the default number of worker threads that SQL Server will create if you leave the configuration "Max worker threads" at 0 (4480 for 128 processors and 704 for 16 processors).

Serial Number Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition

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Basically, you can set this number as high as 32767. BUT, you will probably run into troubles if you set it this high. On some of our SQL Server 2014 servers (Standard Edition), we have set it as high as 3072 (we have a lot of concurrent connections) without problems. You just need to make sure you have enough RAM to handle the worker threads.

A mounted database is a database that's in use (an active mailbox database that's mounted for use by clients or a passive mailbox database that's mounted in recovery for log replication and replay). While you can create more databases than the described limits, you can only mount the maximum number of databases that are allowed by the edition of Exchange. Note that the recovery database doesn't count towards these limits.

The server editions are defined by a product key. When you enter a valid product key, the supported edition for the server is established. For more information, see Enter your Exchange Server product key.

Client Access licenses (CALs): Exchange also comes in two CAL editions, which are referred to as a Standard CAL and an Enterprise CAL. You can mix and match the Exchange server editions with the CAL types. For example, you can use Enterprise CALs with Standard Edition or Standard CALs with Enterprise Edition.

Windows Server Standard and Datacenter editions continue to require Windows Server CALs for every user or device accessing a server (see the Product Terms for exceptions), or Windows Server External Connector licenses for servers accessed by external users. In addition to the base Windows Server CAL or External Connector license, some functionalities require the purchase of an Additive Access License. Examples of additional or advanced functionalities include Remote Desktop Services or Active Directory Rights Management Services.

The below SQLServer License Edition comparison URL does NOT mention any limitation about the number of databases supported within an AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instance - for standard edition. Is it safe to conclude that there is no enforced limits on number of databases supported within a single AlwaysOn FCI for Standard Edition License?

I get that for standard Edition there is limitation of 2 nodes within a single SQLServer FCI. I also understand for Standard Edition's Basic Availability groups there is limitation of ONE Database per Availability group.

I created a 4-node cluster (Windows 2012 does not impose the 2-node limit), installed a SQL role on the first two nodes, however during the setup process of adding the third node, you get an error message in the checklist with a message informing you that the Standard edition of SQL server does not allow more than 2 nodes for a SQL role.

Clarification: For SQL Server Standard Edition (from 2000-2016) the failover cluster can only support 2 nodes per instance. If you are using SQL Server Enterprise Edition you can support more nodes both synchronous and asynchronous, the exact numbers depending on the release you are using.

True, it is also possible to install another instance of SQL Server, even a failover cluster, but it would not be part of the first cluster. And if this was installed on the same physical server, there would likely be some resource contention.

If you want a Third Server in your landscape you can install another server and implement log shipping from the active Cluster Node to the Third Server. Since this has some latency issues the Third Server will not always be fully up-to-date with the data being shipped to it.

To deliver a managed service experience, Amazon RDS does not provide shell access to DBinstances, and it restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that requireadvanced privileges. Amazon RDS supports access to databases on a DB instance using any standardSQL client application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Amazon RDS does not allowdirect host access to a DB instance via Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH), or Windows RemoteDesktop Connection. When you create a DB instance, the master user is assigned to thedb_owner role for all user databases on that instance, and has alldatabase-level permissions except for those that are used for backups. Amazon RDS manages backupsfor you.

The following table shows the maximum number of supported databases for eachinstance class type and availability mode. Use this table to help you decide ifyou can move from one instance class type to another, or from one availabilitymode to another. If your source DB instance has more databases than the targetinstance class type or availability mode can support, modifying the DB instancefails. You can see the status of your request in the Eventspane.

If you have a scenario that requires a larger amount of storage, you can usesharding across multiple DB instances to get around the limit. This approachrequires data-dependent routing logic in applications that connect to thesharded system. You can use an existing sharding framework, or you can writecustom code to enable sharding. If you use an existing framework, the frameworkcan't install any components on the same server as the DB instance.

To use these features, we recommend that you install SQL Server on an Amazon EC2 instance, oruse an on-premises SQL Server instance. In these cases, the EC2 or SQL Serverinstance acts as the Master Data Services server for your SQL Server DB instanceon Amazon RDS. You can install SQL Server on an Amazon EC2 instance with Amazon EBS storage,pursuant to Microsoft licensing policies.

The Microsoft SQL Server database engine uses role-based security. The master user name that you specify when you create a DB instance is a SQL Server Authentication login that is a member of the processadmin, public, and setupadmin fixed server roles.

To set up auditing, set the parameter rds.sqlserver_audit to the value fedramp_hipaa. If your DB instance is not already using a custom DB parameter group, you must create a custom parameter group and attach it to your DB instance before you can modify the rds.sqlserver_audit parameter. For more information, see Working with parameter groups.

For more information about what files are changed, and for information about any prerequisites to apply the cumulative update package that contains the hotfix that is described in this Microsoft Knowledge Base article, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Before version 4.0, VisualSVN Server was available in two editions: Standard Edition (free license) and Enterprise Edition (paid license with a fixed price). A paid Enterprise Edition license was required to activate the enterprise features of the product. VisualSVN Server Enterprise Edition was licensed per server instance and allowed an unlimited number of users to access the server.

Starting with version 4.0, the concept of an "edition" is no longer used. VisualSVN Server can now run under one of the three types of licenses: Community, Essential or Enterprise. The license type determines which features are available for the server. The licenses also have a size that determines the maximum allowed number of users and distributed VDFS repositories on the server. Note that it is possible to purchase the Enterprise license with an unlimited size.

The pre-4.0 Enterprise Edition licenses with an active maintenance subscription are treated as new Enterprise licenses with an unlimited number of users and VDFS repositories. Therefore, the upgrade to VisualSVN Server 4.0 is fully transparent for VisualSVN Server Enterprise Edition installations that have a license key with an active maintenance subscription.

Installed product edition of the instance of SQL Server. Use the value of this property to determine the features and the limits, such as maximum number of CPUs, that are supported by the installed product.


'Desktop Engine' (Not available for SQL Server 2005.)

 'Developer Edition'

 'Enterprise Edition'

 'Enterprise Evaluation Edition'

 'Personal Edition'(Not available for SQL Server 2005.)

 'Standard Edition'

 'Express Edition'

 'Express Edition with Advanced Services'

 'Workgroup Edition'

 'Windows Embedded SQL'

 Base data type: nvarchar(128)

When researching this most posts lead to Hybrid Benefit, but my understanding is that this option's for where you have on-prem servers, allowing you to use the same license for an Azure VM and an on-prem device; or else allowing you to use licenses you'd previously purchased to avoid paying again for licenses in Azure. I'm not interested in that; but rather in new VMs created directly in Azure, where we only need the features offerred by Standard Edition, and don't want to pay more for functionality we're not using.

To clarify: there are two plausible reasons to run Windows Server Standard in Azure, but you are not interested in them. One is using Hybrid Benefit when you only have Standard licenses available, and the other one is when you are performing a lift & shift migration of an existing server to Azure, and that server happens to be a Standard one.

Restricted use: You can use Oracle Warehouse Builder to pull data from any number of data sources. However, you must use only the included Oracle Database Standard Edition One or Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 as the target database. The data sources for Oracle Analytics Server and Business Intelligence Publisher are limited to: 589ccfa754

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