Connectors are what make Microsoft Entra application proxy possible. They're simple, easy to deploy and maintain, and super powerful. This article discusses what connectors are, how they work, and some suggestions for how to optimize your deployment.

Connectors are lightweight agents that sit on-premises and facilitate the outbound connection to the Application Proxy service. Connectors must be installed on a Windows Server that has access to the backend application. You can organize connectors into connector groups, with each group handling traffic to specific applications. For more information on Application proxy and a diagrammatic representation of application proxy architecture see Using Microsoft Entra application proxy to publish on-premises apps for remote users

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Scale for the Application Proxy service is transparent, but scale is a factor for connectors. You need to have enough connectors to handle peak traffic. Since connectors are stateless, they aren't affected by the number of users or sessions. Instead, they respond to the number of requests and their payload size. With standard web traffic, an average machine can handle a couple thousand requests per second. The specific capacity depends on the exact machine characteristics.

After the first successful certificate renewal the Microsoft Entra application proxy Connector service (Network Service) has no permission to remove the old certificate from the local machine store. If the certificate has expired or it won't be used by the service anymore, you can delete it safely.

Many of Duo's application integrations do not require any local components. However, certain services do require a local Authentication Proxy service. This document contains a comprehensive reference of configuration options available for the proxy.

Quick-start guides for installing and configuring the proxy can be found in each of the specific application documentation pages (e.g. Cisco ASA, Citrix Netscaler, or F5) and the generic instructions for RADIUS or LDAP. We recommend starting with the instructions for your device or use case, and then using this page if you need advanced configuration options to support your device or service.

The Duo Authentication Proxy is an on-premises software service that receives authentication requests from your local devices and applications via RADIUS or LDAP, optionally performs primary authentication against your existing LDAP directory or RADIUS authentication server, and then contacts Duo to perform secondary authentication. Once the user approves the two-factor request (received as a push notification from Duo Mobile, or as a phone call, etc.), the Duo proxy returns access approval to the requesting device or application.

In addition to providing two-factor authentication, the Duo Authentication Proxy is a required component for importing Active Directory or OpenLDAP users into Duo via sync, Active Directory authentication for Duo Single Sign-On, and can also act as an HTTP proxy itself for other systems that also need to contact Duo's cloud service.

Consider using load balancers when your expected authentication rates exceed the maximum stated for your Authentication Proxy operating system and your intended authentication configuration. The Authentication Proxy does not natively support load balancing and treats each load balancer node as a standard client/server, so the authentication rate does not change for an individual Duo proxy server.

When installing, you can choose whether or not you want to install the Proxy Manager. The Proxy Manager is a Windows utility that helps you edit the Duo Authentication Proxy configuration, determine the proxy's status, and start or stop the proxy service. Learn more about using the Proxy Manager. Installing the Proxy Manager adds about 100 MB to the installed size.

Download the most recent Authentication Proxy for Unix from -latest-src.tgz. From the command line you can use curl or wget to download the file, like $ wget --content-disposition -latest-src.tgz. Depending on your download method, the actual filename may reflect the version e.g. duoauthproxy-6.2.0-src.tgz. View checksums for Duo downloads here.

Follow the prompts to complete the installation. The installer creates a user to run the proxy service and a group to own the log directory and files. You can accept the default user and group names or enter your own.

Before upgrading, you can choose whether or not you want to install the Proxy Manager. The Proxy Manager is a Windows utility that helps you edit the Duo Authentication Proxy configuration, determine the proxy's status, and start or stop the proxy service. Learn more about using the Proxy Manager. Installing the Proxy Manager adds about 100 MB to the installed size.

If the Duo Authentication Proxy service was running when you started the upgrade, the installer attempts to restart the proxy service after the upgrade completes. If the service was not running when you started the upgrade (or if service startup encountered an error requiring correction before starting), you'll need to start the Authentication Proxy service. From an administrator command prompt run:

Authentication Proxy v5.1.0 and later includes the authproxyctl executable, which shows the connectivity tool output when starting the service. The installer adds the Authentication Proxy C:\Program Files\Duo Security Authentication Proxy\bin to your system path automatically, so you should not need to specify the full path to authproxyctl to run it.

Download the most recent Authentication Proxy for Unix from -latest-src.tgz. From the command line you can use curl or wget to download the file, like $ wget --content-disposition -latest-src.tgz. Depending on your download method, the actual filename may reflect the version e.g. duoauthproxy-6.2.0-src.tgz. View checksums for Duo downloads here.

If you opted to include the Authentication proxy SELinux module during installation then it is also removed by Authentication Proxy uninstall. To remove the Duo SELinux module without uninstalling the Duo Authentication Proxy, run the following commands:

Only one instance of the Proxy Manager application may run at a time. While open, the Proxy Manager continually polls for the Authentication proxy service status. Closing the Proxy Manager ends the status check; no Proxy Manager process continue to run in the background after you close it.

Use the Proxy Manager text editor in the "Configure" pane to make the authproxy.cfg changes as instructed by the relevant Duo application documentation. As you type into the editor, the Proxy Manager will automatically suggest configuration options. Accepting these suggestions helps make sure you use the correct option syntax.

The Proxy Manager will not encrypt password and secret values for you. Continue using the authproxy_passwd.exe utility to produce encrypted password and secret values, and you can copy those values and paste them into the Proxy Manager editor.

While you edit the authproxy.cfg contents, your changes get saved to a temporary swap file (%ProgramFiles%\Duo Security Authentication Proxy\conf.authproxy.cfg.tmp). No changes are made to the actual authproxy.cfg file until you click Save.

Click Save when you have finished making changes. This creates a backup of your existing authproxy.cfg file as authproxy-backup-yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss-mmm.cfg, writes your changes from the temporary swap file to authproxy.cfg, and then deletes the swap file. We recommend that you always validate your changes before saving them.

Stopping or restarting the Duo Authentication Proxy will interrupt any running Active Directory or LDAP directory sync processes and will cause RADIUS, LDAP, and Duo Single Sign-On user logins to fail until the proxy service reaches the running state. Avoid disruption by restarting the Authentication Proxy service during off-hours or planned downtime.

Adding a comment line with some contextual information preceding each of the sections in your authproxy.cfg file can help you and the other Duo admins at your organization identify devices and hosts used in the config when they're not recognizable by IP address. For example...

All relative paths specified in the configuration path are relative to the root proxy installation directory. For example, the default value for the main section's 'log_dir' configuration option is 'log' (as documented below). Given a default install location on Windows Server 2019, the log directory location is:

The encrypted password or secret is specific to the server that generated it, and will not work if copied to a different machine. If you have multiple Authentication Proxy servers, be sure to run authproxy_passwd.exe separately on each one.

Execute the authproxy_passwd.exe from Windows Command Prompt, and provide the password or secret to encrypt when prompted. This example shows the encryption of a single password or secret typed in when prompted:

If you'd like to encrypt all passwords and secrets in your authproxy.cfg file at once, run the command with the --whole-config option (in version 2.10.0 and later). This will encrypt each password and secret value and also update the configuration sections to use the "protected" parameter name. If you have the Proxy Manager application open while you encrypt all passwords and secrets with --whole-config you won't see the changes reflected in the application. We recommend performing whole-config encryption with the Proxy Manager application closed, then launching it after the encryption utility completes to see the changes.

Note that in Authentication Proxy versions prior to 5.4.0 you won't be able to decrypt the password and secret values once encrypted. Be sure to make a backup copy of authproxy.cfg before using this option (and secure the backup file as it contains your passwords and secrets).

Duo Authentication Proxy v5.4.0 and later permit decryption of previously encrypted passwords saved in the config file. To decrypt all passwords and secrets in your authproxy.cfg file, run the command with the --whole-config --decrypt options (in version 5.4.0 and later). This will decrypt each password and secret value and also update the configuration sections to no longer use "protected" parameter name. be457b7860

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