A New Ex-Ante Efficiency Criterion and Implications for the Probabilistic Serial Mechanism (2018)
with Battal Doğan and Kemal Yıldız
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 175, May 2018, 178-200.
Multi-player Race (2018)
with Kerim Keskin, Emin Karagözoğlu, and Çağrı Sağlam
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 149, 123-136.
Sabotage in Team Contests (2019)
with Kerim Keskin and Çağrı Sağlam
Public Choice, Volume 180(3-4), 383-405.
A Model of Intra-group Tug-of-war (2019)
with Kerim Keskin
METU Studies in Development, Volume 46(2),175-202.
Contests over Joint Production on Networks (2020)
with Kerim Keskin and Çağrı Sağlam
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 29(2), 377-400.
Category oriented Luce rule (2020)
with Kemal Yıldız
METU Studies In Development, Volume 47(1), 29-37.
On Capacity-Filling and Substitutable Choice Rules (2021)
with Battal Doğan and Kemal Yıldız
Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 46(3), 856-868.
Lexicographic Choice under Variable Capacity Constraints (2021)
with Battal Doğan and Kemal Yıldız
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 23, 172-196.
Odds Supermodularity and the Luce rule (2021),
with Kemal Yıldız
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 126, 443-452.
Bribing in Team Contests(2021)
with Serhat Doğan, Emin Karagözoğlu, and Çağrı Sağlam
Mathematical Social Sciences, Volume(113), 1-9.
Under Review
Every choice function is pro-con rationalizable,
with Kemal Yıldız
Operations Research, (Revision requested)
Titans that Clash and a State that Buffers,
with Emin Karagözoglu, Kerim Keskin and Çagrı Saglam
Journal of Conflict Resolution (Revision Requested).
Analyzing Strategic Behavior in a Dynamic Model of Bargaining and War
with Kerim Keskin and Çağrı Sağlam
Economica, (Revision requested).