Research interests: Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing, Feedback Effects, Machine Learning for Finance

Working Papers

R&D disclosure and Institutional Investors: Evidence from Mandated Patent Disclosure, (with I. Blanco and D. Wehrheim)  -- SSRN Link

The Role of Option Markets in Shareholder Activism -- SSRN Link

-- Best Paper Award in Financial Markets and Regulation, CNMV, Finance Forum 2018.

Institutional Investors and the Governance Spillovers of Financial Regulation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, (with J.M. Martín-Flores and A. Remesal) -- SSRN Link

Work in Progress

Empty Voting in Crypto-assets, (with C. Bellón)

Informed Shareholder Voting and Options Trading, (with C. Bellón)

Machine Learning and the Cross-section of Stock Returns, (with I. Blanco)

Investor Overconfidence and Skin-in-the-Game, (with I. Blanco and D. Wehrheim)


Options Trading and the Cost of Debt, (with I. Blanco),  Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 69, 2021.