
Sergio Gallardo was born in Iquique (Chile). He studied singing with Fernando Lara at the Conservatory of Music of the University of Chile and Carlos Beltrami at Teatro Municipal of Santiago. Also, Sergio Gallardo is a Foreign Trade Engineer with  a Master degree in International Trade and  in Business Administration MBA.

He made his opera debut in 1998 in Puccini’s "La Bohéme" at Teatro Municipal of Santiago.

Sergio has sung as a soloist in operas such as  “Romeo and Juliette", "Fausto”, “Adriana Lecouvreur”, “Otello”, “Simon Boccanegra”, “Falstaff”, “Don Carlo”, “Rigoletto”, "I due Foscari", “Tosca”, “La Bohéme”, "Gianni Schicchi”, "Madama Butterfly", "Turandot", “Salomé”, “La Figlia del Reggimento”, “Lucia di Lammermoor”, “L’elisir d’amore, “Il Signor Bruschino”, "La Cambiale di Matrimonio", "L´Occasion fa il ladro", “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”, “L’Italiana in Algeri”, "Il Turco in Italia", “Pan y Toros” (Zarzuela), “Don Giovanni”, "Le Nozze di Figaro", “Billy Budd”, “White Wind” (Chilean Opera), "Patagonia", "El Cristo de Elqui", "Manon", "La Damnation de Faust", "Lady Macbeth de Mtsensk", "Manon" ; as well as symphonic music as Requiem and Coronation Mass by Mozart, Requiem Mass by Fauré, Mass in A flat, Johannes Passion, Easter Oratorio, Cantate 147 and Magnificat by Bach, Ninth Symphony by Beethoven, Messiah by Händel, Requiem Mass by Verdi, Nelson Mass by Haydn, Eighth Symphony by Mahler, etc. He has worked with conductors as Antonello Allemandi, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Roberto Rizzi Brignoli, Maurizio Benini, Ives Abel, Niksa Bareza, José Miguel Pérez Sierra, David Syrus, Jean Claude Malgoire, Andriy Yurkevich, etc; and reggiseurs as Emilio Sagi, Filippo Crivelli, Stefano Vizioli, Fabio Sparvoli, Renata Scotto, etc.

In 2011 Sergio made his opera debut in europe as Don Bartolo from Rossini´s "The Barber of Seville" at Théâtre of Capitole in Toulouse, France; under the conduction of Gianluigi Gelmetti. In 2014 Sergio had the opportunity to sing Bartolo from The Barber of Seville at Atelier Lyrique of Tourcoing and Théâtre des Champs Elysées in Paris with Jean Claude Malgoire. The next seasons he returned to the same theaters to sing L'Italiana in Algeri, La Cambiale di Matrimonio and L'Occasion fa il ladro.