Operator algebras

Murray and von Neumann introduced operator algebras in the 1930's as a description of the algebra of observables in a quantum system.  Operator algebras has now grown into a field of its own. It is a blend between algebra and analysis that has deep interactions with functional analysis, mathematical physics,  algebraic topology,  quantum information theory and group theory.  In recent years, operator algebras has found important applications to solve open problems in knot theory, geometric group theory and ergodic theory.

Quantum symmetries

Quantum symmetry is a broad term used to describe higher categorical symmetries which appear in field theories.  These symmetries generalise group actions and are often encoded by the action of a more general mathematical  object which weakly resembles a group. 

Quantum symmetries make a surprise appearance in the subfactor theory of Vaughan Jones.  Jones studied inclusions of simple von Neumann algebras N inside M.  It is now understood that under the right assumptions, this inclusion is encoded by a group like object acting on N and a crossed product type construction yielding M. This group like object is called a unitary tensor category, it is the mathematical object that encodes the quantum symmetry on N.

My research

My work is on the existence, classification and structure of quantum symmetries on those C*-algebras classified by the Elliott programme. The Elliott programme is a large scale research programme with the objective of classifying C*-algebras through simpler data. To a C*-algebra one can associate a pair of abelian groups (its K-theory) and a Choquet simplex (its space of traces), the Elliott programme studies in which case this data is enough to tell C*-algebras apart. In the last years, there has been a lot of interest in a dynamical Elliott programme, which aims to classify actions of groups on C*-algebras through (G-equivariant) K-theoretic and tracial data. My work lies in greater generality, my goal is to understand the classification for actions of unitary tensor categories on C*-algebras in analogy with Vaughan Jones' theory of subfactors and their classification.

Although every group acts trivially on any C*-algebra, some unitary tensor categories may not act on a given C*-algebra. In particular, the question of classification of unitary tensor categories comes with an extra difficulty; one also needs to worry about the existence of actions.