MiraCosta Resources

We've got you covered!

Faculty (including me), counselors, student tutors, and more are ready to help you reach your educational goals. We can help you with your course schedule, choosing classes, finding student aid, studying skills, locating and using sources for an essay--you name it, we have someone who can help. To locate the service you need, see the services listed below. Don’t see what you’re looking for? No problem. Just send me an email and we'll figure it out together!

Serena Mercado

What's my role?

As your course instructor, I am your first contact for help you need in this course. If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Use that Canvas Inbox we talked about. If you're having difficulty using Canvas, let me know. But if Canvas stops working for some reason or you're experiencing technical issues, please see Canvas Assistance below.

The Math Learning Center is now online!  The MLC is open to all math students at MiraCosta. All services will be online including:  

For all hours, appointment availability, and other information, please check out the MLC website: miracosta.edu/MLC or join us on Canvas: https://miracosta.instructure.com/enroll/JW9D8P

Math Learning Center Logo

academic accommodations

If you have a disability or medical condition impacting learning and have not yet been authorized to receive academic accommodations, you’re encouraged to contact the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office (formerly known as Disabled Students Programs and Services or DSPS). The SAS office can be reached at (760) 795-6658, or sas@miracosta.edu. The SAS office will help you determine what accommodations are available for you. If you’re requesting my assistance utilizing any authorized accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible.

I have made every attempt to ensure this course is accessible for all students. If you encounter any accessibility related difficulties with required or optional course materials, please contact me as soon as possible so that we can investigate the matter further and provide equally effective alternatives, if needed.

Canvas Assistance

Our class will be completely housed on Canvas.  If you click on the previous link, it will take you to MiraCosta’s Online education page.  Here you will have access to the Canvas login page as well as all of the contact information to online student support.  Please make sure to take the time right now to make sure you are able to login in to Canvas.  

Students who rarely take online courses should take an online orientation session; this one-hour session will help you practice key skills and make you aware of important resources available to help you be your best online!

other resources

The college is committed to creating a culture of care for our students and provides a variety of support services to assist students with their needs inside and outside of the classroom. They have created the Student Support Guide that has been updated for this term.

MiraCosta College affirms that we accept, support, and stand with all undocumented and mixed status students, staff, faculty, community members, loved ones, and their families. The district remains dedicated to their personal and educational success. MiraCosta College is deeply committed to supporting a campus climate and environment that is welcoming and safe for our undocumented and mixed status students, staff, faculty, community members, loved ones, and their families. Did you know we have a program dedicated to Undocumented and Mixed Status Students? UPRISE (Undocumented Student Rise in Solidarity and Empowerment) provides legal consultations, mental health counseling, academic and career counseling, entrepreneurship trainings, peer network events, and more. Students and their loved ones can contact UPRISE for more information: Please visit the UPRISE website for more information.

It can be difficult to be present and maintain focus if you have challenges meeting basic needs like a place to live, access to food, consistent transportation, and more. These challenges may impact your personal and academic success and we are here to help. Our Campus Assessment, Resources, and Education (CARE) Department provides assistance with finding resources on and off campus to meet those basic needs. I urge you to speak with me so that I may submit a CARE referral on your behalf. You may also visit www.miracosta.edu/CARE or contact care@miracosta.edu for further support, resources, or information.

MiraCosta College is committed to providing a strong, supportive and inclusive environment where difference is valued, respected, encouraged, and honored. To this end, MiraCosta provides various services and resources to support LGBTQIA+ students and employees including educational trainings, scholarships for LGBTQIA+ students and their active allies, and the Out@MiraCosta online directory. Visit MiraCosta College LGBTQIA+ Equity to learn more about LGBTQIA+ equity efforts, to view contact information for LGBTQIA+ student services specialists or to speak with someone about an incident of bias. 

The Veterans Education Office, located in Building 3300, provides assistance to veterans and dependents wishing to use their educational benefits at MiraCosta College. The Veterans Information Center provides a place for students to find resources on VA educational benefits, MiraCosta Student Services, and community organizations that are dedicated to assisting veterans. The center also provides a place for students to relax, study, and meet with friends. The Veteran Peer Advisors are also available. Resources are available on a variety of issues, including employment, counseling, housing, and healthcare.

As a student in these challenging times, there may be times when personal stressors interfere with your academic performance and/or negatively impact your daily life. Please know that MiraCosta College Health Services offers personal counseling sessions.  

For a session, call 760-795-6675 or visit the Health Services website. There is no additional fee for these sessions for credit students, and the content of the sessions is confidential.  

In a crisis situation, or after hours, call Campus Police at 760-795-6640 or 6911 from an on-campus phone, local police at 911, or The Up2SD Crisis Line at 888-724-7240, or text the word “COURAGE” to the crisis text line at 741741.

Wonderful, Free, Available Resources

There are many free resources available for you on campus to assist you with your education:

 Wonderful, Supportive Clubs and/or Organizations

Joining a club or organization is a fun and instrumental part of your college education. Here are some of the clubs and organizations to check out:

●   Puente

●   Umoja

●   RAFFY (Former Foster Youth)

●   and many more