Valdor Ludvigsen

Age: 27

Birthday: June 17

The current king of eldrith. Though most fear Valdar for his ruthlessness and tyranny, during his childhood years, he was actually quite gentle and kind. That was until he met a duchess named Belle, who was from a neighboring kingdom called Xenia. As they grew closer, Valdar eventually gave her permission to stay at the palace as she pleased.

one day, he heard a commotion in his parents' room. When he entered, he found Belle in the middle of plunging a knife into his mother’s chest, with his father lying beside her, dead. 

Enraged, Valdar ordered the guards to hang Belle for the crime. Taking this as an act of war, he ordered troops to storm Xenia which began a long and bloody, neverending war. That was until Xenia's royal family offered Valdar one of their own for marriage as a diplomatic gesture of peace. Though Valdar still held a strong grudge against Xenia, he accepted the marriage to avoid further repercussions and losses. 

belle Lascelles

A duchess from xenia known for her elegance and cunning charm. she was later hung in eldrith for the murder of the king and queen.   

Elise Bauer 

the first wife of valdor who graced society with her kindness and pure-hearted nature, A shocking contrast from the current king of Eldrith. She helped melt away Valdor's reserved, cold demeanor after the death of his parents.  However, after she passed away his behavior only got worse and more violent since then. 

The cause of her death is mostly unknown other than it stems from a magic-related sickness that currently has no known cure. 

kaelen Howells

age: 26

birthday: august 28

earned Valdor's trust as his royal advisor. he was also Valdor's childhood friend.

not much is known of him to the public other than he came from a lesser-known, noble family. however, during his school years, he consistently ranked top of his class and eventually graduated from the University of Eldrith. originally,  he wanted to become a physician until Valdor offered him a position as a royal advisor.